Animancer.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
ActionState A Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterState which plays an animation then returns to idle.
AirborneState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which plays an "airborne" animation.
AnimancerComponent The main component through which other scripts can interact with Animancer. It allows you to play animations on an UnityEngine.Animator without using a UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController.
AnimancerComponentEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.AnimancerComponents.
AnimancerComponentPreview [Editor-Only] An interactive preview which displays the internal details of an Animancer.AnimancerComponent.
AnimancerComponentPreviewSettings [Editor-Only] Settings for Animancer.Editor.Previews.AnimancerComponentPreview.
AnimancerDataMigrator [Editor-Only] A system for migrating old asset data to the current version of Animancer.
AnimancerEditorUtilities [Editor-Only] Various utilities used throughout Animancer.
AnimancerEvent.Dispatcher A system which triggers events in an Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence based on a target Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Dispatcher.State.
AnimancerEvent.Invoker Gathers delegates in a static list to be invoked at a later time by any child class.
AnimancerEvent.InvokerDynamic Executes Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Invoker.InvokeAllAndClear after animations in the Dynamic Update cycle.
AnimancerEvent.InvokerFixed Executes Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Invoker.InvokeAllAndClear after animations in the Fixed Update cycle.
AnimancerEvent.Parameter<T> Base class for Animancer.IInvokables which assign the Animancer.AnimancerEvent.CurrentParameter.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterBool An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1 for bool.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterBoxed<T> An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1s which internally boxes value types to avoid re-boxing them every Animancer.AnimancerEvent.ParameterBoxed`1.Invoke.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterDouble An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1 for double.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterFloat An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1 for float.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterInt An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1 for int.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterLong An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1 for System.Int64.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterObject An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1 for UnityEngine.Object.
AnimancerEvent.ParameterString An Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1 for string.
AnimancerEvent.Sequence A variable-size list of Animancer.AnimancerEvents which keeps itself sorted according to their Animancer.AnimancerEvent.normalizedTime.
AnimancerEvent.Sequence.Serializable Serializable data which can be used to construct an Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence using Animancer.StringAssets and Animancer.IInvokables.
AnimancerEventDispatcherDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Dispatcher.
AnimancerEventInvokerEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Invokers.
AnimancerGraph The root node which manages Animancer's UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.
AnimancerGraphCleanup [Editor-Only] Keeps track of Animancer.AnimancerGraph instances to ensure that they're properly cleaned up.
AnimancerGraphControls [Editor-Only] Draws manual controls for the Animancer.AnimancerGraph.PlayableGraph.
AnimancerGraphDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.IAnimancerComponent.Graph.
AnimancerGraphSpeedSlider [Editor-Only] Animancer.Editor.ToggledSpeedSlider for Animancer.AnimancerGraph.
AnimancerGUI [Editor-Only] Various GUI utilities used throughout Animancer.
AnimancerGUI.Commands Constants used by UnityEngine.Event.commandName.
AnimancerHelpUrlAttribute [Assert-Conditional] A UnityEngine.HelpURLAttribute which points to Animancer's documentation.
AnimancerIcons [Editor-Only] Icon textures used throughout Animancer.
AnimancerJob<T> [Pro-Only] A base class that allows Animation Jobs to be easily inserted into an Animancer graph.
AnimancerLayer A layer on which animations can play with their states managed independantly of other layers while blending the output with those layers.
AnimancerLayerDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for an Animancer.AnimancerLayer which sorts and exposes some of its internal values.
AnimancerLayerList A list of Animancer.AnimancerLayers with methods to control their mixing and masking.
AnimancerLayerMixerList An Animancer.AnimancerLayerList which uses an UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable.
AnimancerNode Base class for UnityEngine.Playables.Playable wrapper objects in an Animancer.AnimancerGraph.
AnimancerNodeBase Base class for objects that manage a UnityEngine.Playables.Playable.
AnimancerNodeDrawer<T> [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerNode.
AnimancerPreviewObject [Editor-Only] Manages the selection and instantiation of models for previewing animations.
AnimancerPreviewObjectGUI [Editor-Only] GUI utilities for Animancer.Editor.Previews.AnimancerPreviewObject.
AnimancerPreviewRenderer [Editor-Only] Utility for rendering previews of animated objects.
AnimancerReadMe [Editor-Only] A welcome screen for Animancer.
AnimancerReflection Reflection utilities used throughout Animancer.
AnimancerSettings [Editor-Only] Persistent settings used by Animancer.
AnimancerSettings.Editor A custom Inspector for Animancer.Editor.AnimancerSettings.
AnimancerSettingsGroup Base class for groups of fields that can be serialized inside Animancer.Editor.AnimancerSettings.
AnimancerSettingsGroup<T> [Editor-Only] A static reference to a persistent setting stored in Animancer.Editor.AnimancerSettings.
AnimancerSettingsTool [Editor-Only] Displays the Animancer.Editor.AnimancerSettings.
AnimancerState Base class for all states in an Animancer.AnimancerGraph graph which manages one or more UnityEngine.Playables.Playables.
AnimancerStateDictionary A dictionary of Animancer.AnimancerStates mapped to their Animancer.AnimancerState.Key.
AnimancerStateDrawer<T> [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
AnimancerStateDrawerColors [Editor-Only] Colors used by Animancer.Editor.AnimancerStateDrawer`1.
AnimancerToolsWindow [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] An UnityEditor.EditorWindow with various utilities for managing sprites and generating animations.
AnimancerToolsWindow.Tool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] Base class for tools in the Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimancerToolsWindow.
AnimancerTransitionAssetBaseEditor [Editor-Only] A custom editor for Animancer.TransitionAssetBase.
AnimancerUtilities Various extension methods and utilities.
AnimatedBool [Pro-Only] A wrapper which allows access to the value of bool properties that are controlled by animations.
AnimatedFloat [Pro-Only] A wrapper which allows access to the value of float properties that are controlled by animations.
AnimatedInt [Pro-Only] A wrapper which allows access to the value of int properties that are controlled by animations.
AnimatedProperty<TJob, TValue> [Pro-Only] A base wrapper which allows access to the value of properties that are controlled by animations.
AnimationBindings [Editor-Only] Various utility functions relating to the properties animated by an UnityEngine.AnimationClip.
AnimationBindings.BindingData A collection of data about the properties on a UnityEngine.GameObject and its children which can be animated and the relationships between those properties and the properties that individual UnityEngine.AnimationClips are trying to animate.
AnimationClipEditor [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.AnimationClips
AnimationEventCache [Editor-Only] Caches to reduce garbage allocations.
AnimationGatherer [Editor-Only] A system that procedurally gathers animations throughout the hierarchy without needing explicit references.
AnimationModifierTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A base Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimancerToolsWindow.Tool for modifying UnityEngine.AnimationClips.
AnimationSpeedAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Applies a different GUI for an animation speed field.
AnimationSpeedAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for fields with an Animancer.Units.Editor.AnimationSpeedAttributeDrawer which displays them using an 'x' suffix.
AnimationTimeAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Causes a float field to display using 3 fields: Normalized, Seconds, and Frames.
AnimationTimeAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for float fields with a Animancer.Units.UnitsAttribute which displays them using 3 fields: Normalized, Seconds, and Frames.
AnimationTimeAttributeSettings [Editor-Only] Options to determine how Animancer.Units.AnimationTimeAttribute displays.
AttackState A Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterState which can perform Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.Weapon.AttackAnimations in sequence.
AttackState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which plays a series of "attack" animations.
AttributeCache<TAttribute> [Editor-Only] A cache to optimize repeated attribute access.
Back Functions based on equations which go out of bounds then come back.
BaseAnimancerComponentEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.IAnimancerComponents.
BasicCharacterAnimations Combines Animancer.Samples.Basics.BasicMovementAnimations and Animancer.Samples.Basics.PlayTransitionOnClick into one script.
BasicCharacterBrain Uses player input to control a Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.Character.
BasicMovementAnimations Plays a movement animation while the user holds W or Up Arrow. Otherwise plays an idle animation.
BoolPref [Editor-Only] A simple wrapper around UnityEditor.EditorPrefs to get and set a bool.

If you're interested in a more comprehensive pref wrapper that supports more types, you should check out Inspector Gadgets - Auto Prefs.
Bounce Functions based on equations with sharp bounces.
CachedEditor [Editor-Only] A utility for manually drawing a UnityEditor.Editor.
CartesianMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends an array of other states together based on a two dimensional parameter and thresholds using Gradient Band Interpolation.
Character A centralised group of references to the common parts of a character and a state machine for their actions.
Character A centralised group of references to the common parts of a character and a state machine for their actions.
CharacterMovement The stats and logic for moving a Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.Character.
CharacterParameters The parameters that control a Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.Character.
CharacterParameters The parameters that control a Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.Character.
CharacterSelector A simple system for selecting characters.
CharacterState Base class for the various states a Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.Character can be in and actions they can perform.
CharacterState A state for a Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterState.Character.
CharacterState.StateMachine A Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1 with a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.WithDefault.DefaultState.
Circular Functions based on circular equations.
ClickToHit An sample component that calls Animancer.Samples.Jobs.HitReceiver.Hit(UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single) when the user clicks on the ground.
ClickToInteract Attempts to interact with whatever Animancer.Samples.FineControl.IInteractable the cursor is pointing at when the user clicks the mouse.
ClipState An Animancer.AnimancerState which plays an UnityEngine.AnimationClip.
ClipStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
ClipTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ClipTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
ClipTransitionSequence A group of Animancer.ClipTransitions which play one after the other.
CloneableExtensions Extension methods for Animancer.ICloneable`1.
CloneContext A dictionary which maps objects to their copies.
CloneContext.Pool An Animancer.ObjectPool`1 for Animancer.CloneContext.
CollectionPool<TItem, TCollection> An Animancer.ObjectPool`1 for System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.
CollectionPropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.PropertyAccessor for a specific element index in a collection.
CompactUnitConversionCache [Editor-Only] A system for formatting floats as strings that fit into a limited area and storing the results so they can be reused to minimise the need for garbage collection, particularly for string construction.
ControllerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which plays a UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController.
ControllerState.ParameterBinding<T> An System.IDisposable binding to Animancer.Parameter`1.OnValueChanged.
ControllerState.SerializableParameterBindings A serializable array of data which can create Animancer.ControllerState.ParameterBinding`1s at runtime.
ControllerStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
ControllerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ControllerTransition<TState> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ControllerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
ConversionCache [Editor-Only] Utilities for Animancer.Editor.ConversionCache`2.
ConversionCache<TKey, TValue> [Editor-Only] A simple system for converting objects and storing the results so they can be reused to minimise the need for garbage collection, particularly for string construction.
ConvertableUtilities Utility methods for Animancer.IConvertable`1.
CopyableExtensions Extension methods for Animancer.ICopyable`1.
Cubic Functions based on cubic equations (x^3).
CustomGUI<T> [Editor-Only] Draws a custom GUI for an object.
CustomGUIAttribute [Editor-Only] Attribute for classes which implement Animancer.Editor.CustomGUI`1 to specify the type of objects they apply to.
CustomGUIExtensions [Editor-Only] Extension methods for Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI.
CustomGUIFactory [Editor-Only] Draws a custom GUI for an object.
Damping An sample of how to use Animation Jobs in Animancer to apply physics based damping to certain bones.
DefaultFadeValueAttribute [Editor-Conditional] A Animancer.DefaultValueAttribute which uses the Animancer.AnimancerGraph.DefaultFadeDuration and 0.
DefaultValueAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Specifies the default value of a field and a secondary fallback.
DefaultValues [Editor-Only] Utilities for using Animancer.DefaultValueAttributes.
DegreesAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Angle measured in degrees (º).
DegreesPerSecondAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Rotational speed measured in degrees per second (º/s).
DelegateGUI [Editor-Only] An Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for System.MulticastDelegate.
DelegateState An Animancer.FSM.IState that uses delegates to define its behaviour.
DependencyWarning3DGameKit Warns the user if the 3D Game Kit is missing.
Diagonals Constants for each of the diagonal directions.
DieState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which plays a "dying" animation.
DirectionalAnimations3D A Animancer.DirectionalAnimations3D`1 using int as the group type.
DirectionalAnimations3D<TGroup> A component which manages a screen-facing billboard and plays animations from a Animancer.DirectionalAnimationSet to make it look like a UnityEngine.Sprite based character is facing a particular direction in 3D space.
DirectionalAnimationSet A set of up/right/down/left animations.
DirectionalAnimationSet8 A set of up/right/down/left animations with diagonals as well.
DirectionalAnimationSetEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.DirectionalAnimationSets.
DirectionalBasics Animates a character to either stand idle or walk using animations defined in Animancer.DirectionalAnimationSets.
DirectionalCharacter A more complex version of the Animancer.Samples.Sprites.DirectionalBasics which adds running and pushing animations as well as the ability to actually move around.
DirectionalCharacter3D A 3D version of the Animancer.Samples.Sprites.DirectionalCharacter.
DirectionalClipTransition A Animancer.ClipTransition which gets its clip from a Animancer.DirectionalAnimationSet.
DirectionalClipTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
DirectionalMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends an array of other states together based on a two dimensional parameter and thresholds using Polar Gradient Band Interpolation.
DontAllowFade An Animancer.IUpdatable that cancels any fades and logs warnings when they occur.
Door An Animancer.Samples.FineControl.IInteractable door which toggles between open and closed when something interacts with it.
DrawAfterEventsAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Causes an Inspector field in an Animancer.ITransition to be drawn after its events where the events would normally be drawn last.
DummyAnimancerComponent [Editor-Only] An Animancer.IAnimancerComponent which isn't actually a UnityEngine.Component.
DynamicLayeredCharacterAnimations Demonstrates how to use layers to play multiple independent animations at the same time on different body parts.
DynamicUpdateRate Demonstrates how to save some performance by updating Animancer at a lower frequency when the character is far away from the camera.
Easing A set of common easing functions.
EditableFieldDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer which adds an "Edit" button to a field.
Editor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for AnimancerReadMe.
Elastic Functions based on equations with soft bounces.
Equipment Manages the items equipped by a Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.Character.
EquipState A Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterState which managed the currently equipped Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.EquipState.CurrentWeapon.
EventNamesAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Specifies a set of acceptable names for Animancer.AnimancerEvents so they can display a warning in the Inspector if an unexpected name is used.
EventSequenceDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.
ExitEvent [Pro-Only] A callback to be triggered after an Animancer.AnimancerNode either starts or finishes fading out to 0 Animancer.AnimancerNode.EffectiveWeight.
Exponential Functions based on exponential equations (2^(10(x))).
ExposedPropertyTable Sets a UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector as Animancer's UnityEngine.IExposedPropertyTable.
FacialExpressionManager Demonstrates how to use layers to play multiple independent animations at the same time on different body parts.
FadeGroup A group of Animancer.AnimancerNodes which are cross-fading.
FadeGroup.Pool An Animancer.ObjectPool`1 for Animancer.FadeGroup.
FadeGroupDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for Animancer.FadeGroup.
FadeGroupExtensions Extension methods for Animancer.FadeGroup.
FlinchState A Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterState which activates itself when the character takes damage.
FlinchState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which plays a "getting hit" animation.
FloatGUI [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for float.
FloatParameterSlider Binds a Animancer.Parameter`1 to a UnityEngine.UI.Slider.
FollowMousePosition Controls Animancer parameters to make the character move towards the mouse position using Root Motion in a 2D Mixer.
FootstepEvents Uses Animancer Events to play a sound randomly selected from an array.
GameKitCharacterBrain A brain which controls the character using keyboard input.
GenerateSpriteAnimationsSettings [Editor-Only] Settings for GenerateSpriteAnimationsTool.
GenerateSpriteAnimationsTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A Animancer.Editor.Tools.SpriteModifierTool for generating UnityEngine.AnimationClips from UnityEngine.Sprites.
GolfBall Manages the physics of a golf ball.
GolfCharacter Manages a character with the ability to hit a golf ball.
HealthPool Manages a character's health and damage received.
HitReceiver An sample component that demonstrates how Animancer.Samples.Jobs.SimpleLean can be used as a dynamic response to getting hit.
HybridAnimancerComponent [Pro-Only] A Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent which plays a main UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController with the ability to play other individual UnityEngine.AnimationClips separately.
HybridAnimancerComponentExtensions Extension methods for Animancer.HybridAnimancerComponent.
HybridCharacterAnimations Implements the same behaviour as BasicCharacterAnimations using a Animancer.HybridAnimancerComponent.
IdleState A Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterState which plays an animation.
IdleState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which keeps the character standing still and occasionally plays alternate animations if it remains active for long enough.
IKPuppet Demonstrates how to use Unity's Inverse Kinematics (IK) system to move a character's limbs.
IKPuppetLookTarget An object for a character to look at using Inverse Kinematics (IK).
IKPuppetTarget An object for one of a character's limbs to aim at using Inverse Kinematics (IK).
IndexedList<TItem, TIndexer> A System.Collections.Generic.List`1 which can remove items in O(1) time without searching and an inbuilt enumerator which supports modifications at any time (including during enumeration).
InternalSerializableTypeAttribute [Editor-Conditional] A UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.MovedFromAttribute which indicates that a type may have been previously defined in the pre-compiled Animancer Lite DLL in an earlier version of Animancer.
IntGUI [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for int.
IUpdatable.List An Animancer.IndexedList`2 of Animancer.IUpdatable.
LabelGUI [Editor-Only] A default Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI which simply draws the System.Object.ToString.
LandingState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which plays a "landing on the ground" animation.
LayeredAnimationManager Demonstrates how to use layers to play multiple independent animations at the same time on different body parts.
LayeredCharacterAnimations Demonstrates how to use layers to play multiple independent animations at the same time on different body parts.
LibraryCharacterAnimations Implements the same behaviour as Animancer.Samples.Basics.BasicCharacterAnimations using Animancer.TransitionAssets.
LinearMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends an array of other states together using linear interpolation between the specified thresholds.
LinearMixerStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
LinearMixerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
LinearMixerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.MixerTransition`2.
ListPool Convenience methods for accessing Animancer.ListPool`1.
ListPool<T> An Animancer.ObjectPool`1 for System.Collections.Generic.List`1.
LiveInspectorTutorial Tracks user progress through a tutorial and displays appropriate instructions.
LocomotionState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which moves the character according to their CharacterBrain.Movement.
LoopAnimationTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimancerToolsWindow.Tool for ensuring that the last keyframe of an animation matches the first.
LowUpdateRate Demonstrates how to save some performance by updating Animancer less often.
ManualMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends multiple child states by allowing you to control their Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight manually.
ManualMixerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ManualMixerTransition<TMixer> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ManualMixerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
MetersAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Distance measured in meters (m).
MetersPerSecondAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Speed measured in meters per second (m/s).
MetersPerSecondPerSecondAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Acceleration measured in meters per second per second (m/s²).
MixerChildFade Fades the child weights of a Animancer.MixerState`1 to a new parameter value instead of fading the actual parameter.
MixerState<TParameter> [Pro-Only] Base class for mixers which blend an array of child states together based on a Animancer.MixerState`1.Parameter.
MixerTransition<TMixer, TParameter> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
MixerTransition2D A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
MixerTransition2DDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.MixerTransition`2.
MixerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.MixerTransition`2.
ModifyAnimationSpeedTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] An Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimationModifierTool for re-scaling the speed of UnityEngine.AnimationClips.
ModifySpritesTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A Animancer.Editor.Tools.SpriteModifierTool for modifying UnityEngine.Sprite detauls.
MouseDrag Allows the user to drag any object with a collider around on screen with the mouse.
MoveState A Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterState which moves the character according to their Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterParameters.MovementDirection.
MovingCharacterBrain Uses player input to control a Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.Character.
MultiplierAttribute [Editor-Conditional] A multiplier displayed with an x suffix.
NameCache [Assert-Only] A simple system for caching since it allocates garbage every time it's accessed.
NamedAnimancerComponent An Animancer.AnimancerComponent which uses the UnityEngine.Object.names of UnityEngine.AnimationClips so they can be referenced using strings as well as the clips themselves.
NamedAnimancerComponentEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponents.
NamedCharacterAnimations Implements the same behaviour as Animancer.Samples.Basics.LibraryCharacterAnimations but refers to the animations by name instead of using direct references.
NamedClipTransition A Animancer.ClipTransition with a Animancer.Samples.Layers.NamedClipTransition.Name
NamedEventDictionary A dictionary which maps event names to callbacks.
NamedEventDictionaryDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.NamedEventDictionary.
ObjectGUI<T> [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for UnityEngine.Object.
ObjectHighlightGUI [Editor-Only] Allows any object to be highlighted in the GUI like with UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(UnityEngine.Object).
ObjectPool<T> A simple object pooling system.
ObstacleTreadmill Spawns a bunch of obstacles and randomises them each time the target moves too far away.
OrbitControls Simple mouse controls for orbiting the camera around a focal point.
PackTexturesTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimancerToolsWindow.Tool for packing multiple UnityEngine.Texture2Ds into a single image.
Parameter<T> A generic value with an event for when it gets changed.
ParameterDictionary A dictionary of Animancer.IParameters registered using Animancer.StringReferences.
ParameterDictionaryDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ParameterDictionary.
ParameterGUI<TParameter> [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for Animancer.IParameter.
ParametizedAnimancerStateDrawer<T> [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
PerSecondAttribute [Editor-Conditional] A value measured per second (/s).
PlayableAssetState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which plays a UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset.
PlayableAssetStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
PlayableAssetTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
PlayableAssetTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
PlayAnimationButtons Creates buttons for playing each transition in a library.
PlayAnimationOnClick Starts with an idle animation and performs an action when the user clicks the mouse, then returns to idle.
PlayAnimationOnEnable Plays an animation to demonstrate the basic usage of Animancer.
PlayTransitionAssetOnEnable Plays a transition asset in Animancer.Samples.Mixers.PlayTransitionAssetOnEnable.OnEnable.
PlayTransitionOnClick This script is basically the same as Animancer.Samples.Basics.PlayAnimationOnClick, except that it uses Transitions.
PolymorphicAttribute The attributed field will be drawn by a Animancer.Editor.PolymorphicDrawer which allows the user to select its type in the Inspector.
PolymorphicDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.IPolymorphic and Animancer.PolymorphicAttribute.
PolymorphicDrawerDetails [Editor-Only] An assembly attribute for configuring how the Animancer.Editor.PolymorphicDrawer displays a particular type.
PooledGUIContent [Editor-Only] UnityEngine.GUIContent with System.IDisposable connected to an Animancer.ObjectPool`1.
PooledGUIContent.Pool An Animancer.ObjectPool`1 for Animancer.Editor.PooledGUIContent.
PropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A wrapper for accessing the underlying values and fields of a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
PropertyDrawers [Editor-Only] A cache of UnityEditor.PropertyDrawers mapped to their target type.
Quadratic Functions based on quadratic equations (x^2).
Quartic Functions based on quartic equations (x^4).
Quintic Functions based on quintic equations (x^5).
RaycastFootIK Demonstrates how to use Unity's Inverse Kinematics (IK) system to adjust a character's feet according to the terrain they are moving over.
ReadMe [Editor-Only] A welcome screen for an asset.
ReadMe.Editor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.Editor.ReadMe.
ReadMe.Editor.Styles Various UnityEngine.GUIStyles used by the Animancer.Editor.ReadMe.Editor.
ReadMe.LinkSection A heading with a link to be displayed in the Inspector.
RedirectRootMotion A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a different object.
RedirectRootMotionToCharacterController A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a UnityEngine.CharacterController.
RedirectRootMotionToRigidbody A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a UnityEngine.Rigidbody.
RedirectRootMotionToTransform A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a UnityEngine.Transform.
RemapAnimationBindingsTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimancerToolsWindow.Tool for changing which bones an UnityEngine.AnimationClips controls.
RemapSpriteAnimationTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] An Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimationModifierTool for changing which UnityEngine.Sprites an UnityEngine.AnimationClip uses.
RenameSpritesTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A Animancer.Editor.Tools.SpriteModifierTool for bulk-renaming UnityEngine.Sprites.
RespawnState A Animancer.Samples.AnimatorControllers.GameKit.CharacterState which teleports back to the starting position, plays an animation then returns to the Character.Idle state.
ReverseComparer<T> An System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1 which reverses the default comparison.
SampleButton A simple system for dynamically creating a list of buttons based on a template.
SampleReadMe [Editor-Only] A component which explains a sample scene.
SampleReadMe.Editor Custom editor for Animancer.Samples.SampleReadMe.
SaveLoadButtons Uses buttons to save and load the current animation details.
ScriptableObjectEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.ScriptableObjects which adds a message explaining that changes in play mode will persist.
SecondsAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Time measured in seconds (s).
SerializableEventSequenceDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.Serializable.
SerializableEventSequenceDrawer.Context Details of an Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.Serializable.
SerializableEventSequenceDrawerSettings [Editor-Only] Settings for Animancer.Editor.SerializableEventSequenceDrawer.
SerializableParameterBindingsDrawer UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.ControllerState.SerializableParameterBindings.
SerializablePose Gathers the animation details from a character to save and applies them back after loading.
SerializableTypeReference.Drawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.Editor.SerializableTypeReference.
Serialization [Editor-Only] Various serialization utilities.
Serialization.ObjectReference [Editor-Only] Directly serializing an UnityEngine.Object reference doesn't always work (such as with scene objects when entering Play Mode), so this class also serializes their instance ID and uses that if the direct reference fails.
Serialization.PropertyReference [Editor-Only] A serializable reference to a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
SerializedArrayProperty [Editor-Only] A wrapper around a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty representing an array field.
SerializedComponentDataEditorWindow<TObject, TData> [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.SerializedDataEditorWindow`2 for UnityEngine.Components.
SerializedDataEditorWindow<TObject, TData> [Editor-Only] A window for managing a copy of some serialized data and applying or reverting it.
SetPool Convenience methods for accessing Animancer.SetPool`1.
SetPool<T> An Animancer.ObjectPool`1 for System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1.
SharedReferenceCache [Editor-Only] A system which gathers information about UnityEngine.SerializeReference fields to detect when multiple fields are referencing the same object.
SimpleLean A wrapper that manages an Animation Job (the Animancer.Samples.Jobs.SimpleLean.Job struct nested inside this class) which rotates a set of bones to allow the character to dynamically lean over independantly of their animations.
Sine Functions based on sinusoidal equations.
SmoothedFloatParameter A wrapper around a Animancer.Parameter`1 containing a float which uses UnityEngine.Mathf.SmoothDamp(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single@,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single) to smoothly update its value.
SmoothedVector2Parameter Manages two Animancer.SmoothedFloatParameters as a UnityEngine.Vector2.
SoloAnimation Plays a single UnityEngine.AnimationClip.
SoloAnimationEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.SoloAnimation.
SpriteDataEditor A wrapper around the '2D Sprite' package features for editing Sprite data.
SpriteEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.Sprites which allows you to directly edit them instead of just showing their details like the default one does.
SpriteModifierTool [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A base Animancer.Editor.Tools.AnimancerToolsWindow.Tool for modifying UnityEngine.Sprites.
SpriteRendererTextureSwap Replaces the UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer.sprite with a copy of it that uses a different Animancer.SpriteRendererTextureSwap.Texture during every Animancer.SpriteRendererTextureSwap.LateUpdate.
State An empty Animancer.FSM.IState that implements all the required methods as virtual.
StateBehaviour Base class for UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour states to be used in a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.
StateExtensions Various extension methods for Animancer.FSM.IState and Animancer.FSM.IOwnedState`1.
StateMachine<TKey, TState> A simple Finite State Machine system that registers each state with a particular key.
StateMachine<TKey, TState>.InputBuffer A simple system that can Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.State a state then try to enter it every time Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.Update(System.Single) is called until the Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.TimeOut expires.
StateMachine<TKey, TState>.WithDefault A Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`2 with a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`2.WithDefault.DefaultKey.
StateMachine<TState> A simple keyless Finite State Machine system.
StateMachine<TState>.InputBuffer A simple system that can Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.Buffer(`0,System.Single) a state then try to enter it every time Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.Update(System.Single) is called until the Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.TimeOut expires.
StateMachine<TStateMachine> A simple system that can Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.Buffer(`0,System.Single) a state then try to enter it every time Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.Update(System.Single) is called until the Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.InputBuffer`1.TimeOut expires.
StateMachine<TState>.StateSelector A prioritised list of potential states for a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1 to enter.
StateMachine<TState>.WithDefault A Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1 with a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.WithDefault.DefaultState.
StateMachineUtilities [Editor-Only] Utilities used by the Animancer.FSM system.
Static<T> Holds an instance of T which is automatically created using its parameterless constructor when first accessed.
StringAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject which holds a Animancer.StringReference based on its
StringAssetDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.StringAsset fields.
StringAssetEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.StringAssets.
StringBuilderPool An Animancer.ObjectPool`1 for System.Text.StringBuilder.
StringGUI [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for string.
StringReference A string wrapper which allows fast reference equality checks and dictionary usage by ensuring that users of identical strings are given the same Animancer.StringReference instead of needing to compare each character in the strings.
StringReferenceExtensions Extension methods for Animancer.StringReference.
Strings Various string constants used throughout Animancer.
Strings.DocsURLs URLs of various documentation pages.
Strings.Tooltips Tooltips for various fields.
TableGUI [Editor-Only] Utility for drawing tables.
ThresholdLabelAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Specifies a custom display label for the Thresholds column of a mixer transition.
TimelineGUI [Editor-Only] Draws a GUI box denoting a period of time.
TimeScale A simple Inspector slider to control UnityEngine.Time.timeScale.
TimeSynchronizer<T> A system for synchronizing the Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime of animations within the same "group".
ToggledSpeedSlider [Editor-Only] Utility for a toggle which can show and hide a speed slider.
TransformResetter Records the positions and rotations of a set of objects so they can be returned later on.
TransformTreeView A UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.TreeView for displaying UnityEngine.Transforms alongside other data.
TransformTreeWindow<TObject, TData> [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.SerializedComponentDataEditorWindow`2 which displays a Animancer.Editor.TransformTreeView.
Transition<TState> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
TransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
TransitionAsset<TTransition> A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
TransitionAssetBase A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
TransitionAssetGenerator [Editor-Only] Context menu functions for generating Animancer.TransitionAssets based on the contents of Animator Controllers.
TransitionAssetReference A [System.SerializableAttribute] wrapper around an Animancer.TransitionAssetBase.
TransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
TransitionLibrary [Pro-Only] A library of Animancer.ITransitions which allows specific transition combinations to be overridden without needing to be hard coded.
TransitionLibraryAliasesPage [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryWindowPage for editing transition aliases.
TransitionLibraryAsset [Pro-Only] A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject which serializes a Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryDefinition and creates a Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrary from it at runtime.
TransitionLibraryAssetEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryAsset.
TransitionLibraryDefinition [System.SerializableAttribute] A library of transitions and other details which can create a Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrary.
TransitionLibraryEditorData [Editor-Only] Additional data for a Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryAsset which is excluded from Runtime Builds.
TransitionLibraryEditorDataEditor [Editor-Only] Custom Inspector for Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryEditorData.
TransitionLibraryEditorDataExtensions [Editor-Only] Extension methods for Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryEditorData.
TransitionLibraryModifiersPage [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryWindowPage for editing transition modifiers.
TransitionLibraryOperations [Editor-Only] Operations for modifying a Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryAsset.
TransitionLibrarySelection [Editor-Only] A dummy object for tracking the selection within the Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryWindow and showing its details in the Inspector.
TransitionLibrarySelectionEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelection.
TransitionLibrarySelectionPreview [Editor-Only] Custom preview for Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelection.
TransitionLibrarySelectionPreviewSpeed [Editor-Only] Animancer.Editor.ToggledSpeedSlider for Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelectionPreview.
TransitionLibrarySort [Editor-Only] Utility for sorting a Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryAsset.
TransitionLibraryWindow [Editor-Only] An UnityEditor.EditorWindow for configuring Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryAsset.
TransitionLibraryWindowHighlighter [Editor-Only] An UnityEditor.EditorWindow for configuring Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryAsset.
TransitionLibraryWindowPage [Editor-Only] Manages the selection of pages in the Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryWindow.
TransitionModifierGroup An Animancer.ITransition and a dictionary to modify it based on the previous state.
TransitionModifierTableGUI [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.TableGUI for editing Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryDefinition.Modifiers.
TransitionPreviewPlayer [Editor-Only] Utility for playing through transition previews.
TransitionPreviewSettings Persistent settings for the Animancer.Editor.Previews.TransitionPreviewWindow.
TransitionPreviewWindow [Editor-Only] An UnityEditor.EditorWindow which allows the user to preview animation transitions separately from the rest of the scene in Edit Mode or Play Mode.
TransitionPreviewWindow.Scene Temporary scene management for the Animancer.Editor.Previews.TransitionPreviewWindow.
TryCreateTransitionAttribute Attribute for static methods which try to create a transition from an object.
TwoBoneIK An sample of how to use Animation Jobs in Animancer to apply simple two bone Inverse Kinematics, even to Generic Rigs which are not supported by Unity's inbuilt IK system.
TypeSelectionMenu [Editor-Only] A context menu for selecting a System.Type.
UltEvent An UltEvents.UltEvent which implements Animancer.IInvokable.
UltEventDrawer [Editor-Only] UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.UltEvent.
UnitsAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Causes a float field to display a suffix to indicate what kind of units the value represents as well as displaying it as several different fields which convert the value between different units.
UnitsAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for fields with a Animancer.Units.UnitsAttribute.
UnityEvent A UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent which implements Animancer.IInvokable.
UnityEventDrawer [Editor-Only] UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.UnityEvent.
Updatable [Pro-Only] An object that can be updated during Animancer's animation updates.
UpdatableListPlayable A UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour which executes Animancer.IUpdatable.Update on each item in an Animancer.IUpdatable.List every frame.
Validate Enforces various rules throughout the system, most of which are compiled out if UNITY_ASSERTIONS is not defined (by default, it is only defined in the Unity Editor and in Development Builds).
Vector2MixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends an array of other states together based on a two dimensional parameter and thresholds.
Weapon Holds various animations relating to the use of a weapon.
WeaponsCharacterBrain Uses player input to control a Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.Character.
WebsiteExistenceChecker A utility for checking if websites exist.
WeightedMaskLayerList A replacement for the default UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable which uses custom Animancer.WeightedMaskLayerList.BoneWeights for each individual bone instead of just using an UnityEngine.AvatarMask to include or exclude them entirely.
WeightedMaskLayers Replaces the default Animancer.AnimancerLayerMixerList with a Animancer.WeightedMaskLayerList.
WeightedMaskLayers.Fade An Animancer.IUpdatable which fades Animancer.WeightedMaskLayers over time.
WeightedMaskLayersDefinition Serializable data which defines how to control a Animancer.WeightedMaskLayerList.
WeightedMaskLayersDefinitionDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.WeightedMaskLayersDefinition fields.
WeightedMaskLayersDefinitionWindow An Animancer.Editor.TransformTreeWindow`2 for editing spring definitions.
WeightedMaskLayersFadeDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for Animancer.WeightedMaskLayers.Fade.

Delegate Types

Delegate Summary
DragAndDropHandler<T> [Editor-Only] Delegate for validating and responding to UnityEditor.DragAndDrop operations.
Easing.RangedDelegate A variant of a System.Func`2 with a custom range instead of 0 to 1.
TableGUI.CellGUIDelegate Draws the GUI for a specified cell.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
AnimancerComponent.DisableAction An action to perform when disabling an Animancer.AnimancerComponent. See Animancer.AnimancerComponent.ActionOnDisable.
AnimancerGUI.SpacingMode Indicates where Animancer.Editor.AnimancerGUI.LayoutSingleLineRect(Animancer.Editor.AnimancerGUI.SpacingMode) should add the Animancer.Editor.AnimancerGUI.StandardSpacing.
AnimationBindings.MatchType A summary of the compatability between the properties animated by an UnityEngine.AnimationClip and the properties that actually exist on a particular UnityEngine.GameObject (and its children).
AnimationTimeAttribute.Units A unit of measurement used by the Animancer.Units.AnimationTimeAttribute.
AnimationType [Editor-Only] The general type of object an UnityEngine.AnimationClip can animate.
CharacterStatePriority Levels of importance for Animancer.Samples.StateMachines.CharacterStates.
ControllerState.ActionOnStop Determines what a layer does when Animancer.AnimancerNode.Stop is called.
Direction Up, Right, Down, Left, or their diagonals.
DirectionalAnimations3D<TGroup>.BillboardMode Functions used to face the Animancer.DirectionalAnimations3D`1.Transform towards the Animancer.DirectionalAnimations3D`1.Camera.
DirectionalAnimationSet.Direction Up, Right, Down, or Left.
Easing.Function The name of an easing function.
FadeMode Determines how Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState,System.Single,Animancer.FadeMode) works.
MenuFunctionState [Editor-Only] The possible states for a function in a UnityEditor.GenericMenu.
MixerTransition2D.MixerType A type of Animancer.ManualMixerState which can be created by a Animancer.MixerTransition2D.
OptionalWarning Bitwise flags used to determine which warnings Animancer should give.

These warnings are all optional. Feel free to disable any of them if you understand the potential issues they're referring to.
TransitionLibrarySelection.SelectionType [Editor-Only] Types of objects can be selected.
TransitionSortMode [Editor-Only] Sorting algorithms for Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryDefinition.Transitions.
Validate.Value A rule that defines which values are valid.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
AnimancerEvent.IParameter A non-generic interface for Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Parameter`1.
AnimancerPreviewObject.IEventHandler [Editor-Only] Handles events from an Animancer.Editor.Previews.AnimancerPreviewObject.
IAnimancerComponent Interface for components that manage an Animancer.AnimancerGraph.
IAnimationClipCollection A variant of UnityEngine.IAnimationClipSource which uses a System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1 instead of a System.Collections.Generic.List`1 so that it can take a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 to efficiently avoid adding duplicates. Animancer.AnimancerUtilities contains various extension methods for this purpose.
ICharacterRoot Interface for components to indicate which UnityEngine.GameObject is the root of a character when Animancer.AnimancerUtilities.FindRoot(UnityEngine.GameObject) is called.
ICloneable<T> An object that can be cloned.
IConvertable<T> An object which can be converted to another type.
ICopyable<T> An object that can be copied.
ICustomGUI [Editor-Only] Draws a custom GUI for an object.
IHasDescription An object which can give a detailed description of itself.
IHasEvents An object which has an Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.Serializable.
IHasKey An object with a Animancer.IHasKey.Key which can be used in dictionaries and hash sets.
IIndexer<T> An object which accesses the index of the items in an Animancer.IndexedList`2.
IInitializable<T> An object with an Animancer.IInitializable`1.Initialize(`0) method.
IInteractable An object that can be interacted with.
IInvokable An object with an Animancer.IInvokable.Invoke method.
IKeyedStateMachine<TKey> Interface for accessing Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`2 without the TState.
IMotion An object with an Animancer.IMotion.AverageAngularSpeed and Animancer.IMotion.AverageVelocity.
IOwnedState<TState> An Animancer.FSM.IState that knows which Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1 it is used in.
IParameter A value wrapper with utilities for being drawn in the Inspector.
IParametizedState An object with various parameters.
IPolymorphic An object that will be drawn by a Animancer.Editor.PolymorphicDrawer which allows the user to select its type in the Inspector.
IPolymorphicReset An Animancer.IPolymorphic with a Animancer.IPolymorphicReset.Reset(System.Object) method.
IPrioritizable An object with a Animancer.FSM.IPrioritizable.Priority.
IReadOnlyIndexedList<T> An System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1 which can remove items in O(1) time without searching and an inbuilt enumerator which supports modifications at any time (including during enumeration).
IState A state that can be used in a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.
IStateMachine A simple keyless Finite State Machine system.
ITransformTreeViewSource An object that provides data to a Animancer.Editor.TransformTreeView.
ITransition An object which can create an Animancer.AnimancerState and set its details.
ITransition<TState> An Animancer.ITransition which creates a specific type of Animancer.AnimancerState.
ITransitionDetailed An Animancer.ITransition with some additional details (mainly for the Unity Editor GUI).
ITransitionGUI [Editor-Only] An object that can draw custom GUI elements relating to transitions.
ITransitionWithEvents A combination of Animancer.ITransition and Animancer.IHasEvents.
IUpdatable [Pro-Only] An object that can be updated during Animancer's animation updates.
IWrapper An object which wraps a Animancer.IWrapper.WrappedObject object.
PropertyDrawers.IDiscardOnSelectionChange [Editor-Only] Indicates that a cached UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer should not be kept in the cache after the selection changes.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
AnimancerEvent A Animancer.AnimancerEvent.callback delegate paired with a Animancer.AnimancerEvent.normalizedTime to determine when to invoke it.
AnimancerEvent.Invocation An Animancer.AnimancerEvent and other associated details used to invoke it.
AnimatedBool.Job An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which reads an array of bool values.
AnimatedFloat.Job An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which reads an array of float values.
AnimatedInt.Job An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which reads an array of int values.
ButtonGroupStyles [Editor-Only] UnityEngine.GUIStyles for a group of connected buttons.
DampingJob An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which executes a simple damping effect.
FastEnumerator<T> An System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1 for any System.Collections.Generic.IList`1 which doesn't bother checking if the target has been modified. This gives it good performance but also makes it slightly less safe to use.
FastObjectField [Editor-Only] A GUI wrapper for drawing any object as a label with an icon.
GUIControl [Editor-Only] Utility for implementing IMGUI controls.
IUpdatable.Indexer An Animancer.IIndexer`1 for Animancer.IUpdatable.
KeyChange<TKey> A static access point for the details of a key change in a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`2.
ModifySerializedField [Editor-Only] A wrapper for modifying a serialized field to allow it to be properly saved and undone.
NamedIndex [System.SerializableAttribute] A Animancer.StringAsset and int pair.
NodeParameter<T> A wrapper for managing a Animancer.Parameter`1 in an Animancer.AnimancerNode.
NodeWeight An Animancer.AnimancerNode and its Animancer.NodeWeight.StartingWeight.
ObjectPool<T>.Disposable An System.IDisposable to allow pooled objects to be acquired and released within using statements instead of needing to manually release everything.
PlayableOutputRefresher A utility for re-assigning Animancer's UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput.
SerializableTypeReference [Editor-Only] A System.SerializableAttribute reference to a Animancer.Editor.SerializableTypeReference.Type.
SharedReferenceCache.Field Information about a field.
SimpleLean.Job An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob that applies a lean effect to an UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream.
SimpleTimer A very simple timer system based on a System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.
StateChange<TState> A static access point for the details of a state change in a Animancer.FSM.StateMachine`1.
StateParameterDetails Details of a parameter in an Animancer.IParametizedState.
TransitionDrawer.DrawerContext Details used to draw an Animancer.ITransition.
TransitionModifierDefinition [System.SerializableAttribute] Details about how to modify a transition when it comes from a specific source.
TransitionPreviewDetails [Editor-Only] Details about the current preview used by Animancer.Editor.ITransitionGUI.OnPreviewSceneGUI(Animancer.Editor.TransitionPreviewDetails).
TwoBoneIKJob An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which executes two bone Inverse Kinematics.
TypeSelectionButton [Editor-Only] A button that allows the user to select an object type for a [UnityEngine.SerializeReference] field.
WeightedMaskMixerJob An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which mixes its inputs based on individual Animancer.WeightedMaskMixerJob.boneWeights.