Base class for mixers which blend an array of child states together based on a
- Assembly
- Animancer
.dll - Namespace
- Animancer
- Interfaces
- Base Types
- Derived Types
graph BT
click Base0 "/animancer/api/Animancer/ManualMixerState"
click Base1 "/animancer/api/Animancer/AnimancerState"
click Base2 "/animancer/api/Animancer/AnimancerNode"
click Base3 "/animancer/api/Animancer/AnimancerNodeBase"
click Interface3 "/animancer/api/Animancer/IHasDescription"
click Interface4 "/animancer/api/Animancer/IAnimationClipCollection"
click Interface8 "/animancer/api/Animancer/IParametizedState"
click Interface9 "/animancer/api/Animancer/IUpdatable"
class Type type-node
click Derived0 "/animancer/api/Animancer/LinearMixerState"
click Derived1 "/animancer/api/Animancer/Vector2MixerState"
public abstract class MixerState<TParameter> : ManualMixerState, ICopyable<AnimancerNode>,
IEnumerable<AnimancerState>, IEnumerator, IHasDescription, IAnimationClipCollection,
ICloneable<AnimancerState>, ICopyable<AnimancerState>, ICopyable<ManualMixerState>,
IParametizedState, IUpdatable, ICopyable<MixerState<TParameter>>
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TParameter |
Name | Value | Summary |
ApplyAnimatorIK | bool |
Inherited from ManualMixerState
ApplyFootIK | bool |
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Apply |
bool |
Should setting the
also set this node's Animancer.AnimancerNode.ApplyAnimatorIK to match it?
Default is true.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
ApplyParentFootIK | bool |
Should setting the
also set this node's Animancer.AnimancerNode.ApplyFootIK to match it?
Default is true.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
AverageVelocity | Vector3 | |
ChildCapacity | int |
The size of the internal array of
Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildStates .Inherited from ManualMixerState
ChildCount | int |
The number of nodes using this as their
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Parent .Inherited from ManualMixerState
ChildStates | AnimancerState[] |
The states connected to this mixer.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Clip | AnimationClip |
UnityEngine.AnimationClip which this state plays (if any).Inherited from AnimancerState
DebugName | Object |
[Assert-Only] The Inspector display name of this node.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
DefaultChildCapacity | int |
Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildCapacity starts at 0 then expands to this value when the first child is added.Inherited from ManualMixerState
Duration | float |
The number of seconds the animation will take to play fully at its current
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.EffectiveSpeed .
Inherited from AnimancerState
EffectiveSpeed | float |
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Speed of this node multiplied by the Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Speed of each of its parents to
determine the actual speed it's playing at.
Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
EffectiveWeight | float |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight of this state multiplied by the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight of each of its parents down
the hierarchy to determine how much this state affects the final output.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
FadeGroup | FadeGroup |
The current fade being applied to this node (if any).
Inherited from AnimancerNode
FadeSpeed | float |
The speed at which this node is fading towards the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.TargetWeight .Inherited from AnimancerNode
Graph | AnimancerGraph |
Animancer.AnimancerGraph containing this node.Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
HasEvents | bool |
Have the
Animancer.AnimancerState.SharedEvents or Animancer.AnimancerState.OwnedEvents been initialized?Inherited from AnimancerState
HasOwnedEvents | bool |
Have the
Animancer.AnimancerState.OwnedEvents been initialized?Inherited from AnimancerState
HasThresholds | bool |
Has the array of thresholds been initialized with a size at least equal to the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildCount .
Index | int |
The index of the port this node is connected to on the parent's
UnityEngine.Playables.Playable .Inherited from AnimancerNode
IsActive | bool |
Is this state currently updating or affecting the animation output?
Inherited from AnimancerState
IsCurrent | bool |
Is this state playing and not fading out?
Inherited from AnimancerState
IsLooping | bool |
Are any child states looping?
Inherited from ManualMixerState
IsPlaying | bool |
Is the
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time automatically advancing?Inherited from AnimancerState
IsStopped | bool |
Is this state not playing and at 0
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight ?Inherited from AnimancerState
Keep |
bool |
Should child playables stay connected to the graph at all times?
Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
Key | Object |
The object used to identify this state in the graph
Animancer.AnimancerGraph.States dictionary.
Can be null.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Layer | AnimancerLayer |
The root
Animancer.AnimancerLayer which this node is connected to (if any).Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
LayerIndex | int |
The index of the
Animancer.AnimancerLayer this state is connected to
(determined by the Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Parent ).
Inherited from AnimancerState
Length | float |
The weighted average
Animancer.AnimancerState.Length of each child state. |
MainObject | Object |
The main object to show in the Inspector for this state (if any).
Inherited from AnimancerState
MainObjectType | Type |
[Editor-Only] The base type which can be assigned to the
Animancer.AnimancerState.MainObject .Inherited from AnimancerState
Minimum |
float |
The minimum total weight of all children for their times to be synchronized. Default 0.01.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
NormalizedEndTime | float |
Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime after which the
Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.OnEnd callback will be invoked every frame.
Inherited from AnimancerState
NormalizedParameter | TParameter |
Animancer.MixerState`1.Parameter normalized across all thresholds. |
NormalizedTime | float |
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time of this state as a portion of the animation's Animancer.AnimancerState.Length , meaning the
value goes from 0 to 1 as it plays from start to end, regardless of how long that actually takes.
Inherited from AnimancerState
NormalizedTimeD | double |
The underlying
double value of Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime .Inherited from AnimancerState
OwnedEvents | AnimancerEvent |
Events which will be triggered while this state plays
based on its
Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime .
Inherited from AnimancerState
Owner | Object |
[Assert-Only] An optional reference to the object that owns this state.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Parameter | TParameter |
The value used to calculate the weights of the child states.
Parent | AnimancerNodeBase |
The object which receives the output of the
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Playable .Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
Playable | Playable |
The internal object this node manages in the
UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph .Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
Raise |
bool |
Should events be raised on a state which is currently fading out?
Inherited from AnimancerState
RawTime | double |
The weighted average
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time of each child state. |
RemainingDuration | float |
The number of seconds this state will take to go from its current
Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime to the
Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedEndTime at its current Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.EffectiveSpeed .
Inherited from AnimancerState
SharedEvents | AnimancerEvent |
Events which will be triggered while this state plays
based on its
Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime .
Inherited from AnimancerState
Speed | float |
[Pro-Only] How fast the
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time is advancing every frame (default 1).Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
Synchronized |
int |
The number of
Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren .Inherited from ManualMixerState
SynchronizedChildren | AnimancerState[] |
A copy of the internal list of child states that will have their times synchronized.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Synchronize |
bool |
Should newly added children be automatically added to the synchronization list? Default true.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
TargetWeight | float |
The desired
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight which this node is fading towards according to the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.FadeSpeed .
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Time | float |
The number of seconds that have passed since the start of this animation.
Inherited from AnimancerState
TimeD | double |
The underlying
double value of Animancer.AnimancerState.Time .Inherited from AnimancerState
TraceConstructor | bool |
Should a
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace be captured in the constructor of all new nodes so
Animancer.OptionalWarning.UnusedNode can include it in the warning if that node ends up being unused?
Inherited from AnimancerNode
UpdatableIndex | int |
The index of this object in its
Animancer.IndexedList`2 .Inherited from ManualMixerState
Weight | float |
The current blend weight of this node which determines how much it affects the final output.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
WeightsAreDirty | bool |
Should the weights of all child states be recalculated?
Name | Value | Summary |
~AnimancerNode |
void |
[Assert-Only] Checks
Animancer.OptionalWarning.UnusedNode .Inherited from AnimancerNode
Add |
void |
Assigns the `state` as a child of this mixer.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Add |
void |
Assigns the `state` as a child of this mixer and assigns the `threshold` for it.
Add |
ClipState |
Creates and returns a new
Animancer.ClipState to play the `clip` as a child of this mixer.Inherited from ManualMixerState
Add |
ClipState |
Creates and returns a new
Animancer.ClipState to play the `clip` as a child of this mixer, and assigns
the `threshold` for it.
Add |
AnimancerState |
Animancer.AnimancerUtilities.CreateStateAndApply(Animancer.ITransition,Animancer.AnimancerGraph) then Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(Animancer.AnimancerState) .Inherited from ManualMixerState
Add |
AnimancerState |
Animancer.AnimancerUtilities.CreateStateAndApply(Animancer.ITransition,Animancer.AnimancerGraph) then
Animancer.MixerState`1.Add(Animancer.AnimancerState,`0) .
Add |
AnimancerState |
Calls one of the other
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(System.Object) overloads as appropriate for the `child`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
Add |
AnimancerState |
Calls one of the other
Animancer.MixerState`1.Add(System.Object,`0) overloads as appropriate. |
AddContextMenuIK |
void |
Adds functions to show and set
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.ApplyAnimatorIK and
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.ApplyFootIK .
Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
AddRange |
void |
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) for each of the `clips`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
AddRange |
void |
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) for each of the `clips`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
AddRange |
void |
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(Animancer.ITransition) for each of the `transitions`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
AddRange |
void |
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(System.Object) for each of the `children`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
AddRange |
void |
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(Animancer.ITransition) for each of the `transitions`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
AddRange |
void |
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Add(System.Object) for each of the `children`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
AppendDescription |
void |
Appends a detailed descrption of the current details of this object.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
AppendDetails |
void | |
AppendIKDetails |
void |
Appends the details of
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.ApplyAnimatorIK and
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.ApplyFootIK .
Inherited from AnimancerNode
AppendParameter |
void |
Appends the `parameter` in a viewer-friendly format.
Assert |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.GetConnectionStatusError and logs the result if it isn't null .
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Assert |
void |
[Assert-Only] Calls
Animancer.AnimancerNode.AssertConnectionStatus for the `node` and all of its children.Inherited from AnimancerNode
AssertOwnership |
void |
Sets the
Animancer.AnimancerState.Owner and asserts that it wasn't already set to a different object.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Calculate |
float |
The multiplied
UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetSpeed``1(``0) of this mixer and its parents down the
hierarchy to determine the actual speed its output is being played at.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
CalculateThresholds |
void |
Calls `calculate` for each of the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildStates and stores the returned value
as the threshold for that state.
CalculateTotalWeight |
float |
Calculates the sum of the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight of all `states`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
CancelFade |
void |
Removes this node from the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.FadeGroup .Inherited from AnimancerNode
ChangeMainObject |
bool |
Sets the `currentObject` and calls
Animancer.AnimancerNode.RecreatePlayable .
If the `currentObject` was being used as the Animancer.AnimancerState.Key then it is changed as well.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Clone |
AnimancerState |
Creates a new object with the same type and values this.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
CopyFrom |
void |
Copies the details of `copyFrom` into this node, replacing its previous contents.
Inherited from AnimancerState
CopyFrom |
void |
Copies the contents of `copyFrom` into this object, replacing its previous contents.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
CopyFrom |
void |
Copies the contents of `copyFrom` into this object, replacing its previous contents.
CopyFrom |
void |
Copies the contents of `copyFrom` into this object, replacing its previous contents.
CopyIKFlags |
void |
Copies the IK settings from `copyFrom` into this node:
Inherited from AnimancerNode
CreatePlayable |
void |
Creates and assigns the
UnityEngine.Playables.Playable managed by this state.Inherited from AnimancerState
CreatePlayable |
void |
Creates and assigns the
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable managed by this state. |
CreatePlayable |
Animation |
Creates an
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable to run the specified Animation Job instead of the usual
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable .
Inherited from ManualMixerState
CreatePlayable |
void |
Creates an
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable to run the specified Animation Job instead of the usual
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable .
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Destroy |
void |
Destroys the
UnityEngine.Playables.Playable and cleans up this state.Inherited from ManualMixerState
DestroyChildren |
void |
Destroys all
Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildStates connected to this mixer. This operation cannot be undone.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
DestroyPlayable |
void |
Destroys the
UnityEngine.Playables.Playable .Inherited from AnimancerNode
Disable |
void |
Sets the weight of all states after the `previousIndex` to 0.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
DisconnectChildSafe |
void |
Disconnects the
UnityEngine.Playables.Playable of the child at the specified `index` from this node.Inherited from AnimancerNode
DontSynchronize |
void |
Removes the `state` from the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren .Inherited from ManualMixerState
Dont |
void |
Removes all children of this mixer from the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren .Inherited from ManualMixerState
Ensure |
void |
Ensures that the remaining unused
is greater than or equal to the specified `minimumCapacity`.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Events |
bool |
If the `events` are
null , this method assigns a new Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence
and returns true to indicate that the caller should now initialize their event callbacks.
Otherwise, this method simply assigns the provided `events` to this state and returns false .
Inherited from AnimancerState
Events |
AnimancerEvent |
If the
Animancer.AnimancerState.OwnedEvents haven't been initialized yet,
this method gets them and returns true .
Inherited from AnimancerState
Events |
bool |
If the
Animancer.AnimancerState.OwnedEvents haven't been initialized yet,
this method gets them and returns true .
Inherited from AnimancerState
Force |
void |
Recalculates the weights of all child states based on the current value of the
Animancer.MixerState`1.Parameter and the thresholds.
GatherAnimationClips |
void |
Animancer.IAnimationClipCollection ] Gathers all the animations in this state.Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetChild |
AnimancerState |
Returns the state connected to the specified `index` as a child of this node.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Get |
string |
null if this node is properly connected to its parent.
Otherwise, returns an error message to be logged.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Get |
StackTrace |
Returns the stack trace of the constructor (or null if
Animancer.AnimancerNode.TraceConstructor was false).
Inherited from AnimancerNode
GetDisplayKey |
string |
Gets a user-friendly key to identify the `state` in the Inspector.
GetEnumerator |
FastEnumerator |
Gets an enumerator for all of this node's child states.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetEventDispatchInfo |
void |
Gets the details used to trigger
Animancer.AnimancerEvent s on this state:
Animancer.AnimancerState.Length , Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime , and Animancer.AnimancerState.IsLooping .
Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetJobData |
T |
Gets the Animation Job data from the
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable .
Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetParameterError |
string |
Returns an error message if the given `parameter` value can't be assigned to the
Animancer.MixerState`1.Parameter .
Otherwise returns null.
GetParameters |
void |
Gets the details of all parameters in this state.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetParentMixer |
ManualMixerState |
Returns the highest
Animancer.ManualMixerState in the hierarchy above this mixer
or this mixer itself if there are none above it.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetParentMixer |
ManualMixerState |
Returns the highest
Animancer.ManualMixerState in the hierarchy above the `state` (inclusive).Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetPath |
string |
Returns the hierarchy path of this node through its
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Parent s.Inherited from AnimancerNode
Get |
float[] |
Returns an array at least as large as the `count`.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
GetThreshold |
TParameter |
Returns the value of the threshold associated with the specified `index`.
IndexOf |
int |
Returns the index of the specified `child` state.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Initialize |
void |
Initializes the internal
Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren list.Inherited from ManualMixerState
IsChildOf |
bool |
Is the `child` a child of the `parent`?
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Is |
bool |
Returns true if the animation is playing and has not yet passed the
Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.EndEvent .
Inherited from AnimancerState
IsSynchronized |
bool |
Is the `state` in the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren ?Inherited from ManualMixerState
MarkAsUsed |
void |
[Assert-Conditional] Prevents the `node` from causing
Animancer.OptionalWarning.UnusedNode .Inherited from AnimancerNodeBase
MoveTime |
void |
Sets the
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time or Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime , but unlike those properties
this method doesn't skip Events or Root Motion between the old and new time.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
MoveTime |
void |
Sets the
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time or Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime , but unlike those properties
this method doesn't skip Events or Root Motion between the old and new time.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Normalize |
void |
Divides `weights` by the `totalWeight` and applies them to the child states.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
NormalizeDurations |
void |
Recalculates the
Animancer.AnimancerState.Duration of all child states so that they add up to 1.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
On |
void |
Called when the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildCapacity is changed. |
On |
void |
Called when a child's
Animancer.AnimancerState.IsLooping value changes.Inherited from ManualMixerState
OnSetIsPlaying |
void | |
OnThresholdsChanged |
void |
Called whenever the thresholds are changed. By default this method simply indicates that the blend weights
need recalculating but it can be overridden by child classes to perform validation checks or optimisations.
Play |
void |
Plays this state immediately, without any blending and without affecting any other states.
Inherited from AnimancerState
RecalculateWeights |
bool |
Animancer.MixerState`1.WeightsAreDirty this method recalculates the weights of all child states and returns true.
RecreatePlayable |
void |
Stores the values of all parameters, calls
Animancer.AnimancerNode.DestroyPlayable , then restores the
parameter values.
Recreate |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.RecreatePlayable on this node and all its children recursively.Inherited from AnimancerNode
Remove |
void |
Removes the specified `child`.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Remove |
void |
Removes the child at the specified `index`.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Set |
void |
Replaces the `child` at the specified `index`.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Set |
ClipState |
Replaces the child at the specified `index` with a new
Animancer.ClipState .Inherited from ManualMixerState
Set |
AnimancerState |
Replaces the child at the specified `index` with a
Animancer.ITransition.CreateState .Inherited from ManualMixerState
Set |
AnimancerState |
Calls one of the other
Animancer.ManualMixerState.Set(System.Int32,System.Object,System.Boolean) overloads as appropriate for the `child`.Inherited from ManualMixerState
SetChildrenTime |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time for all Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildStates .
Inherited from ManualMixerState
SetDebugName |
void |
[Assert-Conditional] Sets the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.DebugName to display in the Inspector.Inherited from AnimancerNode
SetExpectFade |
void |
[Internal] Sets a flag for
Animancer.OptionalWarning.ExpectFade .Inherited from AnimancerState
SetGraph |
void |
Sets the
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Graph .Inherited from ManualMixerState
SetJobData |
void |
Sets the Animation Job data in the
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable .
Inherited from ManualMixerState
SetParameters |
void |
Sets the details of all parameters in this state.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
SetParent |
void |
Connects this state to the `parent` at its next available child index.
Inherited from AnimancerState
SetThreshold |
void |
Sets the value of the threshold associated with the specified `index`.
SetThresholds |
void |
Assigns the specified array as the thresholds to use for blending.
WARNING: if you keep a reference to the `thresholds` array you must call
whenever any changes are made to it, otherwise this mixer may not blend correctly.
SetWeight |
void |
Sets the current blend weight of this node which determines how much it affects the final output.
0 has no effect while 1 applies the full effect of this node.
Inherited from AnimancerState
SetWeightsDirty |
void |
Registers this mixer to recalculate its weights during the next animation update.
StartFade |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.OnStartFade and starts fading the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight over the course
of the Animancer.AnimancerGraph.DefaultFadeDuration (in seconds).
Inherited from AnimancerNode
StartFade |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.OnStartFade and starts fading the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight
over the course of the `fadeDuration` (in seconds).
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Stop |
void |
Stops the animation and makes it inactive immediately so it no longer affects the output.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Synchronize |
void |
Adds the `state` to the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren .Inherited from ManualMixerState
ToString |
string |
Returns a string describing the type of this mixer and the name of states connected to it.
Inherited from ManualMixerState
Update |
void |
Recalculates the weights of child states and synchronizes their times if necessary.
Update |
void |
Checks if any events should be invoked on the `parent` and its children recursively.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Update |
void |
Checks if any events should be invoked on the `parent` and its children recursively.
Inherited from AnimancerState
Validate |
bool |
If the
System.Array.Length of the Animancer.MixerState`1._Thresholds is below the
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.ChildCount , this method assigns a new array with size equal to the
Animancer.ManualMixerState.ChildCapacity and returns true.
Extension Methods
Name | Value | Summary |
Calculate |
float |
[Animancer Extension] [Editor-Only]
Returns the duration of the `node`s current fade (if any), otherwise returns the `defaultDuration`.
FadeChildWeights |
void |
Fades the child weights of a
Animancer.MixerState`1 to a new parameter value instead of fading
the actual parameter.
From MixerChildFade
IsValid |
bool |
[Animancer Extension]
Is the `node` is not null and its
Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Playable valid?
From AnimancerUtilities