Transition<TState> Class


A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).


public abstract class Transition<TState> : ITransition<TState>, ITransitionDetailed, ITransition, 
    IHasKey, IPolymorphic, IHasEvents, ICopyable<Transition<TState>>, ICloneable<Transition<TState>>
    where TState : AnimancerState


Documentation: Transitions


Type Description

Type Parameters

Name Description


Name Value Summary
BaseState AnimancerState
The state that was created by this object. Specifically, this is the state that was most recently passed into Animancer.Transition`1.Apply(Animancer.AnimancerState) (usually by AnimancerGraph.Play(ITransition)).

You can use Animancer.AnimancerStateDictionary.GetOrCreate(Animancer.ITransition) or Animancer.AnimancerLayer.GetOrCreateState(Animancer.ITransition) to get or create the state for a specific object.

Animancer.Transition`1.State is simply a shorthand for casting this to TState.
Events AnimancerEvent.Sequence
Events which will be triggered as the animation plays.
FadeDuration float
The amount of time this transition should take (in seconds).
FadeMode FadeMode
The Animancer.FadeMode which should be used when this transition is passed into Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
IsLooping bool
What will the value of Animancer.AnimancerState.IsLooping be for the created state?
IsValid bool
Can this transition create a valid Animancer.AnimancerState?
Key Object
The Animancer.AnimancerState.Key which the created state will be registered with.
MainObject Object
The Animancer.AnimancerState.MainObject that the created state will have.
MaximumDuration float
The maximum amount of time the animation is expected to take (in seconds).
Name string
The display name of this transition.
NormalizedStartTime float
The Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime to start the animation at.
SerializedEvents AnimancerEvent.Sequence.Serializable
Events which will be triggered as the animation plays.
Speed float
[UnityEngine.SerializeField] Determines how fast the animation plays (1x = normal speed, 2x = double speed).
State TState
The state that was created by this object. Specifically, this is the state that was most recently passed into Animancer.Transition`1.Apply(Animancer.AnimancerState) (usually by AnimancerGraph.Play(ITransition)).


Name Value Summary
Apply(AnimancerState) void
Applies the details of this transition to the `state`.
ApplyNormalizedStartTime(AnimancerState, float) void
Applies the `normalizedStartTime` to the `state`.
Clone(CloneContext) Transition<TState>
Creates a new object with the same type and values this.
CopyFrom(Transition<TState>, CloneContext) void
Copies the contents of `copyFrom` into this object, replacing its previous contents.
CreateAndInitializeState() TState
Calls Animancer.Transition`1.CreateState and assigns the Animancer.Transition`1.Events to the state.
CreateState() TState
Creates and returns a new TState.
ReconcileMainObject(AnimancerGraph) AnimancerState
If a state exists with its Animancer.AnimancerState.MainObject not matching the Animancer.Transition`1.MainObject, this method returns a new state for the correct object.
ReconcileMainObject(AnimancerState) AnimancerState
If the Animancer.AnimancerState.MainObject doesn't match the Animancer.Transition`1.MainObject, this method returns a new state for the correct object.
ToString() string
Returns the Animancer.Transition`1.Name and type of this transition.