which uses the
s of UnityEngine.AnimationClip
so they can be referenced using strings as well as the clips themselves.
- Assembly
- Animancer
.dll - Namespace
- Animancer
- Interfaces
- IAnimancerComponent
- IEnumerator
- IAnimationClipSource
- I
Animation Clip Collection
- Base Types
- MonoBehaviour
- AnimancerComponent
- Derived Types
graph BT
click Base0 "/animancer/api/Animancer/AnimancerComponent"
click Interface0 "/animancer/api/Animancer/IAnimancerComponent"
click Interface3 "/animancer/api/Animancer/IAnimationClipCollection"
class Type type-node
click Derived0 "/animancer/api/Animancer/HybridAnimancerComponent"
[AddComponentMenu(Strings.MenuPrefix + "Named Animancer Component")]
public class NamedAnimancerComponent : AnimancerComponent, IAnimancerComponent, IEnumerator,
IAnimationClipSource, IAnimationClipCollection
It also has fields to automatically register animations on startup and play the first one automatically without
needing another script to control it, much like Unity's Legacy
Component Types
Named Character
Type | Description |
AddComponentMenu | |
Animancer |
A UnityEngine.HelpURLAttribute which points to Animancer's documentation.
Name | Constant Value | Summary |
Default |
-5000 |
Initialize before anything else tries to use this component.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Name | Value | Summary |
ActionOnDisable | AnimancerComponent |
UnityEngine.SerializeField ]
Determines what happens when this component is disabled
or its UnityEngine.GameObject becomes inactive
(i.e. in Animancer.AnimancerComponent.OnDisable ).
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Animations | AnimationClip[] |
UnityEngine.SerializeField ]
Animations in this array will be automatically registered by Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.Awake as states that can be
retrieved using their name and the first element will be played by Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.OnEnable if
Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.PlayAutomatically is true.
Animator | Animator |
UnityEngine.SerializeField ]
Animancer works by using Unity's Playables API to control an UnityEngine.Animator component.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
DefaultAnimation | AnimationClip |
The first element in the
Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.Animations array. It will be automatically played by
Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.OnEnable if Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.PlayAutomatically is true.
Events | NamedEventDictionary |
A dictionary of callbacks to be triggered by any event with a matching name.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Graph | AnimancerGraph |
The internal system which manages the playing animations.
Accessing this property will automatically initialize it.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
InitialUpdateMode | Nullable |
[Editor-Only] The
Animancer.IAnimancerComponent.UpdateMode that was first used when this script initialized.Inherited from AnimancerComponent
IsGraphInitialized | bool |
Has the
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Graph been initialized?Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Layers | AnimancerLayerList |
The layers which each manage their own set of animations.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Parameters | ParameterDictionary |
Dynamic parameters which anything can get or set.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
PlayAutomatically | bool |
UnityEngine.SerializeField ]
If true, the first clip in the Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.Animations array will be automatically played by
Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.OnEnable .
States | Animancer |
The states managed by this component.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Transitions | Transition |
UnityEngine.SerializeField ] [Pro-Only]
An optional Animancer.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryAsset
which can modify the way Animancer transitions between animations.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
UpdateMode | AnimatorUpdateMode |
Determines when animations are updated and which time source is used. This property is mainly a wrapper
around the
UnityEngine.Animator.updateMode .
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Name | Value | Summary |
~AnimancerComponent |
void |
Ensures that the
Animancer.AnimancerGraph is destroyed in Edit Mode, but not in Play Mode since we want
to let Unity complain if that happens.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Awake |
void |
Creates a state for each clip in the
Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.Animations array. |
Evaluate |
void |
Immediately applies the current states of all animations to the animated objects.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Evaluate |
void |
Advances time by the specified value (in seconds)
and immediately applies the current states of all animations to the animated objects.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
GatherAnimationClips |
void |
Animancer.IAnimationClipCollection ]
Gathers all the animations in the Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Transitions and Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Graph .
GetAnimationClips |
void |
UnityEngine.IAnimationClipSource ]
Calls Animancer.AnimancerComponent.GatherAnimationClips(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{UnityEngine.AnimationClip}) .
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
GetKey |
Object |
Returns the clip's name.
InitializeGraph |
void |
Creates and initializes the
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Graph if it wasn't already initialized.Inherited from AnimancerComponent
InitializeGraph |
void |
Sets the
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Graph and connects it to the Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Animator .Inherited from AnimancerComponent
IsPlaying |
bool |
Returns true if at least one animation is being played.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
IsPlaying |
bool |
You should not use an
Animancer.AnimancerState as a key.
Just check Animancer.AnimancerState.IsPlaying .
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
IsPlaying |
bool |
Returns true if a state is registered for the `clip` and it is currently playing.
The actual dictionary key is determined using
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.GetKey(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) .
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
IsPlaying |
bool |
Returns true if a state is registered with the
Animancer.IHasKey.Key and it is currently playing.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
IsPlaying |
bool |
Returns true if a state is registered with the `key` and it is currently playing.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
IsPlayingClip |
bool |
Returns true if the `clip` is currently being played by at least one state.
This method is inefficient because it searches through every state to find any that are playing the `clip`,
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.IsPlaying(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) which only checks the state registered using the `clip`s key.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
OnDestroy |
void |
Ensures that the
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Graph is properly cleaned up.Inherited from AnimancerComponent
OnDisable |
void |
Acts according to the
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.ActionOnDisable .Inherited from AnimancerComponent
OnEnable |
void |
Plays the first clip in the
Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.Animations array if Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.PlayAutomatically is true.
OnInitializeGraph |
void |
Called right after the
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Graph is initialized.Inherited from AnimancerComponent
OnValidate |
void |
ClipState.ValidateClip to ensure that all of the clips in the Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent.Animations
array are supported by the Animancer system and removes any others.
Play |
AnimancerState |
Stops all other animations on the same layer, plays the `state`, and returns it.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Play |
AnimancerState |
Starts fading in the `state` while fading out all others in the same layer over the course of the
`fadeDuration`. Returns the `state`.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Play |
AnimancerState |
Stops all other animations on the same layer, plays the `clip`, and returns its state.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Play |
AnimancerState |
Starts fading in the `clip` while fading out all other states in the same layer over the course of the
`fadeDuration`. Returns its state.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Play |
AnimancerState |
Creates a state for the `transition` if it didn't already exist, then calls
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState) or Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState,System.Single,Animancer.FadeMode)
depending on ITransition.CrossFadeFromStart .
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Play |
AnimancerState |
Creates a state for the `transition` if it didn't already exist, then calls
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState) or Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState,System.Single,Animancer.FadeMode)
depending on ITransition.CrossFadeFromStart .
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Reset |
void |
Destroys the
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Graph if it was initialized and searches for an Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Animator on
this object, or it's children or parents.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Stop |
void |
Stops all animations and rewinds them to the start.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Stop |
AnimancerState |
You should not use an
Animancer.AnimancerState as a key.
Just call AnimancerState.Stop .
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Stop |
AnimancerState |
Gets the state associated with the `clip`, stops and rewinds it to the start, then returns it.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Stop |
AnimancerState |
Gets the state registered with the
Animancer.IHasKey.Key , stops and rewinds it to the start, then
returns it.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Stop |
AnimancerState |
Gets the state associated with the `key`, stops and rewinds it to the start, then returns it.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
TryGetAnimator |
bool |
Tries to ensure that an
Animancer.AnimancerComponent.Animator is present using
UnityEngine.Component.TryGetComponent``1(``0@) if necessary.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
TryPlay |
AnimancerState |
Stops all other animations on the base layer,
plays the animation registered with the `key`,
and returns the animation's state.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
TryPlay |
AnimancerState |
Starts fading in the animation registered with the `key`
while fading out all others in the same layer over the course of the `fadeDuration`
and returns the animation's state.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
TryPlay |
AnimancerState |
Stops all other animations on the base layer,
plays the animation registered with the `key`,
and returns the animation's state.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
TryPlay |
AnimancerState |
Starts fading in the animation registered with the `key` while fading out all others in the same layer
over the course of the `fadeDuration`. Or if no state is registered with that `key`, this method does
nothing and returns null.
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
Name | Value | Summary |
implicit operator |
AnimancerGraph |
Inherited from AnimancerComponent
implicit operator |
AnimancerLayer |
Inherited from AnimancerComponent