TransitionLibrarySelection Class


[Editor-Only] A dummy object for tracking the selection within the Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibraryWindow and showing its details in the Inspector.
Base Types
  • ScriptableObject
graph BT Type-->Base0["ScriptableObject"] Type["TransitionLibrarySelection"] class Type type-node


public class TransitionLibrarySelection : ScriptableObject


Type Description
AnimancerHelpUrlAttribute [Assert-Conditional] A UnityEngine.HelpURLAttribute which points to Animancer's documentation.


Name Value Summary
FadeDuration float
The Animancer.ITransition.FadeDuration of the current selection.
FromIndex int
The index of the Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelection.FromTransition.
FromTransition TransitionAssetBase
The transition the current selection is coming from.
HasModifier bool
Does the current selection have a modified Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelection.FadeDuration?
Selected Object
The currently selected object.
ToIndex int
The index of the Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelection.ToTransition.
ToTransition TransitionAssetBase
The transition the current selection is going to.
Type TransitionLibrarySelection.SelectionType
The type of selected object.
Version int
The number of times this selection has been changed.
Window TransitionLibraryWindow
The window this selection is associated with.


Name Value Summary
Deselect() void
Clears the Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelection.Selected object.
IsValid() bool
Is the current selection valid?
OnEnable() void
Selects this object if it contains a valid selection.
OnSelectionChange() void
Handles selection changes.
Select(TransitionLibraryWindow, Object, int, TransitionLibrarySelection.SelectionType) void
Sets the Animancer.Editor.TransitionLibraries.TransitionLibrarySelection.Selected object.
Validate() bool
Deselects the current object if it isn't valid.