Animancer.Editor Namespace


[Editor-Only] Types used in the Unity Editor which doesn't exist at runtime.

Class Types

Class Summary
AnimancerComponentEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.AnimancerComponents.
AnimancerDataMigrator [Editor-Only] A system for migrating old asset data to the current version of Animancer.
AnimancerEditorUtilities [Editor-Only] Various utilities used throughout Animancer.
AnimancerEventDispatcherDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Dispatcher.
AnimancerEventInvokerEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Invokers.
AnimancerGraphCleanup [Editor-Only] Keeps track of Animancer.AnimancerGraph instances to ensure that they're properly cleaned up.
AnimancerGraphControls [Editor-Only] Draws manual controls for the Animancer.AnimancerGraph.PlayableGraph.
AnimancerGraphDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.IAnimancerComponent.Graph.
AnimancerGraphSpeedSlider [Editor-Only] Animancer.Editor.ToggledSpeedSlider for Animancer.AnimancerGraph.
AnimancerGUI [Editor-Only] Various GUI utilities used throughout Animancer.
AnimancerIcons [Editor-Only] Icon textures used throughout Animancer.
AnimancerLayerDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for an Animancer.AnimancerLayer which sorts and exposes some of its internal values.
AnimancerNodeDrawer<T> [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerNode.
AnimancerReadMe [Editor-Only] A welcome screen for Animancer.
AnimancerSettings [Editor-Only] Persistent settings used by Animancer.
AnimancerSettingsGroup Base class for groups of fields that can be serialized inside Animancer.Editor.AnimancerSettings.
AnimancerSettingsGroup<T> [Editor-Only] A static reference to a persistent setting stored in Animancer.Editor.AnimancerSettings.
AnimancerStateDrawer<T> [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
AnimancerStateDrawerColors [Editor-Only] Colors used by Animancer.Editor.AnimancerStateDrawer`1.
AnimancerTransitionAssetBaseEditor [Editor-Only] A custom editor for Animancer.TransitionAssetBase.
AnimationBindings [Editor-Only] Various utility functions relating to the properties animated by an UnityEngine.AnimationClip.
AnimationClipEditor [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.AnimationClips
AnimationEventCache [Editor-Only] Caches to reduce garbage allocations.
AnimationGatherer [Editor-Only] A system that procedurally gathers animations throughout the hierarchy without needing explicit references.
AttributeCache<TAttribute> [Editor-Only] A cache to optimize repeated attribute access.
BaseAnimancerComponentEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.IAnimancerComponents.
BoolPref [Editor-Only] A simple wrapper around UnityEditor.EditorPrefs to get and set a bool.

If you're interested in a more comprehensive pref wrapper that supports more types, you should check out Inspector Gadgets - Auto Prefs.
CachedEditor [Editor-Only] A utility for manually drawing a UnityEditor.Editor.
ClipStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
ClipTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
CollectionPropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.PropertyAccessor for a specific element index in a collection.
ControllerStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
ControllerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
ConversionCache [Editor-Only] Utilities for Animancer.Editor.ConversionCache`2.
ConversionCache<TKey, TValue> [Editor-Only] A simple system for converting objects and storing the results so they can be reused to minimise the need for garbage collection, particularly for string construction.
CustomGUI<T> [Editor-Only] Draws a custom GUI for an object.
CustomGUIAttribute [Editor-Only] Attribute for classes which implement Animancer.Editor.CustomGUI`1 to specify the type of objects they apply to.
CustomGUIExtensions [Editor-Only] Extension methods for Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI.
CustomGUIFactory [Editor-Only] Draws a custom GUI for an object.
DefaultValues [Editor-Only] Utilities for using Animancer.DefaultValueAttributes.
DelegateGUI [Editor-Only] An Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for System.MulticastDelegate.
DirectionalAnimationSetEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.DirectionalAnimationSets.
DirectionalClipTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
EditableFieldDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer which adds an "Edit" button to a field.
EventSequenceDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.
FadeGroupDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for Animancer.FadeGroup.
FloatGUI [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for float.
InternalSerializableTypeAttribute [Editor-Conditional] A UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.MovedFromAttribute which indicates that a type may have been previously defined in the pre-compiled Animancer Lite DLL in an earlier version of Animancer.
IntGUI [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for int.
LabelGUI [Editor-Only] A default Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI which simply draws the System.Object.ToString.
LinearMixerStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
LinearMixerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.MixerTransition`2.
ManualMixerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
MixerTransition2DDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.MixerTransition`2.
MixerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.MixerTransition`2.
NamedAnimancerComponentEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponents.
NamedEventDictionaryDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.NamedEventDictionary.
ObjectGUI<T> [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for UnityEngine.Object.
ObjectHighlightGUI [Editor-Only] Allows any object to be highlighted in the GUI like with UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(UnityEngine.Object).
ParameterDictionaryDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ParameterDictionary.
ParameterGUI<TParameter> [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for Animancer.IParameter.
ParametizedAnimancerStateDrawer<T> [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
PlayableAssetStateDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.AnimancerState.
PlayableAssetTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
PolymorphicDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.IPolymorphic and Animancer.PolymorphicAttribute.
PolymorphicDrawerDetails [Editor-Only] An assembly attribute for configuring how the Animancer.Editor.PolymorphicDrawer displays a particular type.
PooledGUIContent [Editor-Only] UnityEngine.GUIContent with System.IDisposable connected to an Animancer.ObjectPool`1.
PropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A wrapper for accessing the underlying values and fields of a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
PropertyDrawers [Editor-Only] A cache of UnityEditor.PropertyDrawers mapped to their target type.
ReadMe [Editor-Only] A welcome screen for an asset.
ScriptableObjectEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.ScriptableObjects which adds a message explaining that changes in play mode will persist.
SerializableEventSequenceDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.Serializable.
SerializableEventSequenceDrawerSettings [Editor-Only] Settings for Animancer.Editor.SerializableEventSequenceDrawer.
SerializableParameterBindingsDrawer UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.ControllerState.SerializableParameterBindings.
Serialization [Editor-Only] Various serialization utilities.
SerializedArrayProperty [Editor-Only] A wrapper around a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty representing an array field.
SerializedComponentDataEditorWindow<TObject, TData> [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.SerializedDataEditorWindow`2 for UnityEngine.Components.
SerializedDataEditorWindow<TObject, TData> [Editor-Only] A window for managing a copy of some serialized data and applying or reverting it.
SharedReferenceCache [Editor-Only] A system which gathers information about UnityEngine.SerializeReference fields to detect when multiple fields are referencing the same object.
SoloAnimationEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.SoloAnimation.
SpriteEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.Sprites which allows you to directly edit them instead of just showing their details like the default one does.
StringAssetDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.StringAsset fields.
StringAssetEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for Animancer.StringAssets.
StringGUI [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.ICustomGUI for string.
TableGUI [Editor-Only] Utility for drawing tables.
TimelineGUI [Editor-Only] Draws a GUI box denoting a period of time.
ToggledSpeedSlider [Editor-Only] Utility for a toggle which can show and hide a speed slider.
TransformTreeView A UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.TreeView for displaying UnityEngine.Transforms alongside other data.
TransformTreeWindow<TObject, TData> [Editor-Only] A Animancer.Editor.SerializedComponentDataEditorWindow`2 which displays a Animancer.Editor.TransformTreeView.
TransitionAssetGenerator [Editor-Only] Context menu functions for generating Animancer.TransitionAssets based on the contents of Animator Controllers.
TransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for an Animancer.ITransitionDetailed.
TypeSelectionMenu [Editor-Only] A context menu for selecting a System.Type.
UltEventDrawer [Editor-Only] UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.UltEvent.
UnityEventDrawer [Editor-Only] UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.UnityEvent.
WebsiteExistenceChecker A utility for checking if websites exist.
WeightedMaskLayersDefinitionDrawer [Editor-Only] A UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer for Animancer.WeightedMaskLayersDefinition fields.
WeightedMaskLayersDefinitionWindow An Animancer.Editor.TransformTreeWindow`2 for editing spring definitions.
WeightedMaskLayersFadeDrawer [Editor-Only] A custom GUI for Animancer.WeightedMaskLayers.Fade.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
AnimationType [Editor-Only] The general type of object an UnityEngine.AnimationClip can animate.
MenuFunctionState [Editor-Only] The possible states for a function in a UnityEditor.GenericMenu.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
ButtonGroupStyles [Editor-Only] UnityEngine.GUIStyles for a group of connected buttons.
FastObjectField [Editor-Only] A GUI wrapper for drawing any object as a label with an icon.
GUIControl [Editor-Only] Utility for implementing IMGUI controls.
ModifySerializedField [Editor-Only] A wrapper for modifying a serialized field to allow it to be properly saved and undone.
SerializableTypeReference [Editor-Only] A System.SerializableAttribute reference to a Animancer.Editor.SerializableTypeReference.Type.
TransitionPreviewDetails [Editor-Only] Details about the current preview used by Animancer.Editor.ITransitionGUI.OnPreviewSceneGUI(Animancer.Editor.TransitionPreviewDetails).
TypeSelectionButton [Editor-Only] A button that allows the user to select an object type for a [UnityEngine.SerializeReference] field.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
ICustomGUI [Editor-Only] Draws a custom GUI for an object.
ITransformTreeViewSource An object that provides data to a Animancer.Editor.TransformTreeView.
ITransitionGUI [Editor-Only] An object that can draw custom GUI elements relating to transitions.

Delegate Types

Delegate Summary
DragAndDropHandler<T> [Editor-Only] Delegate for validating and responding to UnityEditor.DragAndDrop operations.
