Animancer.Samples.Jobs Namespace


Code for the Animation Jobs samples.

Class Types

Class Summary
ClickToHit An sample component that calls Animancer.Samples.Jobs.HitReceiver.Hit(UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single) when the user clicks on the ground.
Damping An sample of how to use Animation Jobs in Animancer to apply physics based damping to certain bones.
HitReceiver An sample component that demonstrates how Animancer.Samples.Jobs.SimpleLean can be used as a dynamic response to getting hit.
SimpleLean A wrapper that manages an Animation Job (the Animancer.Samples.Jobs.SimpleLean.Job struct nested inside this class) which rotates a set of bones to allow the character to dynamically lean over independantly of their animations.
TwoBoneIK An sample of how to use Animation Jobs in Animancer to apply simple two bone Inverse Kinematics, even to Generic Rigs which are not supported by Unity's inbuilt IK system.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
DampingJob An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which executes a simple damping effect.
TwoBoneIKJob An UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob which executes two bone Inverse Kinematics.