Animancer.Samples.FineControl Namespace


Code for the Fine Control samples.

Class Types

Class Summary
ClickToInteract Attempts to interact with whatever Animancer.Samples.FineControl.IInteractable the cursor is pointing at when the user clicks the mouse.
Door An Animancer.Samples.FineControl.IInteractable door which toggles between open and closed when something interacts with it.
DynamicUpdateRate Demonstrates how to save some performance by updating Animancer at a lower frequency when the character is far away from the camera.
LiveInspectorTutorial Tracks user progress through a tutorial and displays appropriate instructions.
LowUpdateRate Demonstrates how to save some performance by updating Animancer less often.
NamedCharacterAnimations Implements the same behaviour as Animancer.Samples.Basics.LibraryCharacterAnimations but refers to the animations by name instead of using direct references.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IInteractable An object that can be interacted with.