A layer on which animations can play with their states managed independantly of other layers while blending the
output with those layers.
- Assembly
- Animancer
.dll - Namespace
- Animancer
- Interfaces
- IUpdatable
- Key
.IListItem - IEnumerable
<AnimancerState> - IEnumerator
- IPlayableWrapper
- ICopyable
<AnimancerNode> - I
Animation Clip Collection
- Base Types
- Object
- Key
- AnimancerNode
graph BT
click Base0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/AnimancerNode"
click Base1 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/Key"
click Interface0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IUpdatable"
click Interface1 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IListItem"
click Interface4 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IPlayableWrapper"
click Interface6 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IAnimationClipCollection"
class Type type-node
public sealed class AnimancerLayer : AnimancerNode, IUpdatable, Key.IListItem,
IEnumerable<AnimancerState>, IEnumerator, IPlayableWrapper, ICopyable<AnimancerNode>,
This class can be used as a custom yield instruction to wait until all animations finish playing.
Documentation: Layers
Name | Value | Summary |
ApplyAnimatorIK | bool |
Should Unity call
OnAnimatorIK on the animated object while this object and its children have any
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight ?
ApplyFootIK | bool |
Should this object and its children apply IK to the character's feet?
Apply |
bool |
Should setting the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Parent also set this node's Animancer.AnimancerNode.ApplyAnimatorIK to match it?
Default is true.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
ApplyParentFootIK | bool |
Should setting the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Parent also set this node's Animancer.AnimancerNode.ApplyFootIK to match it?
Default is true.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
AverageVelocity | Vector3 |
The average velocity of the root motion of all currently playing animations, taking their current
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight into account.
ChildCount | int |
Animancer.IPlayableWrapper ]
The number of states using this node as their Animancer.AnimancerState.Parent .
CommandCount | int |
The number of times the
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.CurrentState has changed. By storing this value and later comparing
the stored value to the current value, you can determine whether the state has been changed since then,
even it has changed back to the same state.
CurrentState | AnimancerState |
The state of the animation currently being played.
DebugName | string |
[Assert-Only] The Inspector display name of this node.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
EffectiveSpeed | float |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Speed of this node multiplied by the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Speed of each of its parents to
determine the actual speed it's playing at.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
EffectiveWeight | float |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight of this state multiplied by the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight of each of its parents down
the hierarchy to determine how much this state affects the final output.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
FadeSpeed | float |
The speed at which this node is fading towards the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.TargetWeight .Inherited from AnimancerNode
Index | int |
The index of the port this node is connected to on the parent's
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Playable .Inherited from AnimancerNode
IsAdditive | bool |
Determines whether this layer is set to additive blending. Otherwise it will override any earlier layers.
IsValid | bool |
Is the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Playable usable (properly initialized and not destroyed)?Inherited from AnimancerNode
Keep |
bool |
Indicates whether child playables should stay connected to this layer at all times.
Layer | AnimancerLayer |
A layer is its own root.
MaxCloneCount | int |
The maximum number of duplicate states that can be created for a single clip when trying to get a
weightless state. Exceeding this limit will cause it to just use the state with the lowest weight.
Default = 3.
Parent | IPlayableWrapper |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Root receives the output of the UnityEngine.Playables.Playable . |
Playable | Playable |
The internal
UnityEngine.Playables.Playable managed by this node.Inherited from AnimancerNode
Root | AnimancerPlayable |
Animancer.AnimancerPlayable at the root of the graph.Inherited from AnimancerNode
Speed | float |
[Pro-Only] How fast the
Animancer.AnimancerState.Time is advancing every frame (default 1).Inherited from AnimancerNode
TargetWeight | float |
The desired
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight which this node is fading towards according to the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.FadeSpeed .
Inherited from AnimancerNode
this[int] | AnimancerState |
Returns the state connected to the specified `index` as a child of this layer.
TraceConstructor | bool |
Should a
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace be captured in the constructor of all new nodes so
Animancer.OptionalWarning.UnusedNode can include it in the warning if that node ends up being unused?
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Unsupported |
string |
Returns null if the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Speed property will work properly on this type of node, or a message
explaining why it won't work.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Weight | float |
The current blend weight of this node which determines how much it affects the final output.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
WeightlessThreshold | float |
The maximum
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight that Animancer.AnimancerLayer.GetOrCreateWeightlessState(Animancer.AnimancerState) will treat as
being weightless. Default = 0.1.
Name | Value | Summary |
~AnimancerNode |
void |
[Assert-Only] Checks
Animancer.OptionalWarning.UnusedNode .Inherited from AnimancerNode
AddChild |
void |
Adds a new port and uses
Animancer.AnimancerState.SetParent(Animancer.AnimancerNode,System.Int32) to connect the `state` to it. |
AppendDescription |
void |
Appends a detailed descrption of the current details of this node.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
AppendDetails |
void |
Called by
Animancer.AnimancerNode.AppendDescription(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.String) to append the details of this node. |
AppendIKDetails |
void |
Appends the details of
Animancer.IPlayableWrapper.ApplyAnimatorIK and
Animancer.IPlayableWrapper.ApplyFootIK .
Inherited from AnimancerNode
ApplyWeight |
void |
Applies the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight to the connection between this node and its Animancer.AnimancerNode.Parent .
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Assert |
void |
Logs an error if the weight of the connection between the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Parent and this node does not match
the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight .
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Assert |
void |
[Assert-Only] Calls
Animancer.AnimancerNode.AssertConnectionWeight for this node and all of its children.Inherited from AnimancerNode
CopyIKFlags |
void |
Copies the IK settings from the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Parent :
Inherited from AnimancerNode
CreateIfNew |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.GetOrCreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.Boolean) for each of the specified clips.
If you only want to create a single state, use Animancer.AnimancerLayer.CreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) .
CreateIfNew |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.GetOrCreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.Boolean) for each of the specified clips.
If you only want to create a single state, use Animancer.AnimancerLayer.CreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) .
CreateIfNew |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.GetOrCreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.Boolean) for each of the specified clips.
If you only want to create a single state, use Animancer.AnimancerLayer.CreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) .
CreateIfNew |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.GetOrCreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.Boolean) for each of the specified clips.
If you only want to create a single state, use Animancer.AnimancerLayer.CreateState(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) .
CreatePlayable |
void |
Creates and assigns the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Playable managed by this node.Inherited from AnimancerNode
CreatePlayable |
void |
Creates and assigns the
UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable managed by this layer. |
CreateState |
ClipState |
Creates and returns a new
Animancer.ClipState to play the `clip`. |
CreateState |
ClipState |
Creates and returns a new
Animancer.ClipState to play the `clip` and registers it with the `key`.
DestroyPlayable |
void |
Destroys the
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Playable .Inherited from AnimancerNode
DestroyStates |
void |
Destroys all states connected to this layer.
GatherAnimationClips |
void |
Animancer.IAnimationClipCollection ]
Gathers all the animations in this layer.
GetChild |
AnimancerState |
Returns the state connected to the specified `index` as a child of this layer.
Get |
StackTrace |
Returns the stack trace of the constructor (or null if
Animancer.AnimancerNode.TraceConstructor was false).
Inherited from AnimancerNode
GetDescription |
string |
Returns a detailed descrption of the current details of this node.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
GetEnumerator |
FastEnumerator |
Gets an enumerator for all of this node's child states.
GetOrCreateState |
AnimancerState |
Returns the `state` if it's a child of this layer. Otherwise makes a clone of it.
GetOrCreateState |
AnimancerState |
Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.GetKey(UnityEngine.AnimationClip) and returns the state registered with that key or
creates one if it doesn't exist.
If the state already exists but has the wrong Animancer.AnimancerState.Clip , the `allowSetClip`
parameter determines what will happen. False causes it to throw an System.ArgumentException while
true allows it to change the Animancer.AnimancerState.Clip . Note that the change is somewhat costly to
performance to use with caution.
GetOrCreateState |
AnimancerState |
Returns the state registered with the
Animancer.IHasKey.Key if there is one. Otherwise
this method uses Animancer.ITransition.CreateState to create a new one and registers it with
that key before returning it.
GetOrCreateState |
AnimancerState |
Returns the state registered with the `key` or creates one if it doesn't exist.
Get |
AnimancerState |
If the `state`'s
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight is not currently low, this method finds or creates a
copy of it which is low. he returned Animancer.AnimancerState.Time is also set to 0.
GetState |
AnimancerState |
Returns a state registered with the `key` and attached to this layer or null if none exist.
GetTotalWeight |
float |
Calculates the total
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight of all states in this layer.
IndexOf |
int |
Returns location of this object in the list (or
-1 if it is not currently in a keyed list).Inherited from Key
IsAnyStatePlaying |
bool |
Returns true if at least one animation is being played.
IsInList |
bool |
Is the `key` currently in a keyed list?
Inherited from Key
Is |
bool |
Returns true if the
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.CurrentState is playing and hasn't yet reached its end.
This method is called by System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext so this object can be used as a custom yield
instruction to wait until it finishes.
IsPlayingClip |
bool |
Returns true if the `clip` is currently being played by at least one state.
OnAddChild |
void |
Connects the `state` to this node at its
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Index .Inherited from AnimancerNode
Play |
AnimancerState |
Stops all other animations on the same layer, plays the `state`, and returns it.
Play |
AnimancerState |
Starts fading in the `state` over the course of the `fadeDuration` while fading out all others in this
layer. Returns the `state`.
Play |
AnimancerState |
Stops all other animations on this layer, plays the `clip`, and returns its state.
Play |
AnimancerState |
Starts fading in the `clip` over the course of the `fadeDuration` while fading out all others in the same
layer. Returns its state.
Play |
AnimancerState |
Creates a state for the `transition` if it didn't already exist, then calls
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState) or Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState,System.Single,Animancer.FadeMode)
depending on the Animancer.ITransition.FadeDuration .
Play |
AnimancerState |
Creates a state for the `transition` if it didn't already exist, then calls
Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState) or Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState,System.Single,Animancer.FadeMode)
depending on the Animancer.ITransition.FadeDuration .
RecreatePlayable |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.DestroyPlayable and Animancer.AnimancerNode.CreatePlayable .Inherited from AnimancerNode
Recreate |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.RecreatePlayable on this node and all its children recursively.Inherited from AnimancerNode
RequireUpdate |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.RequirePreUpdate(Animancer.IUpdatable) if the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Root is not null.Inherited from AnimancerNode
SetDebugName |
void |
Sets the Inspector display name of this node.
Animancer.AnimancerNode.ToString returns the name.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
SetMask |
void |
Sets an
UnityEngine.AvatarMask to determine which bones this layer will affect.
SetWeight |
void |
Sets the current blend weight of this node which determines how much it affects the final output.
0 has no effect while 1 applies the full effect of this node.
This method allows any fade currently in progress to continue. If you don't wish to do that, you can set
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight property instead.
Animancer Lite only allows this value to be set to 0 or 1 in runtime builds.
Inherited from AnimancerNode
StartFade |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.OnStartFade and starts fading the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight over the course
of the Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.DefaultFadeDuration (in seconds).
Inherited from AnimancerNode
StartFade |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.OnStartFade and starts fading the Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight over the course
of the `fadeDuration` (in seconds).
Inherited from AnimancerNode
Stop |
void |
Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight = 0 and calls Animancer.AnimancerState.Stop on all animations
to stop them from playing and rewind them to the start.
ToString |
string |
The Inspector display name of this layer.
TryPlay |
AnimancerState |
Stops all other animations on the same layer, plays the animation registered with the `key`, and returns
that state. Or if no state is registered with that `key`, this method does nothing and returns null.
TryPlay |
AnimancerState |
Starts fading in the animation registered with the `key` while fading out all others in the same layer
over the course of the `fadeDuration`. Or if no state is registered with that `key`, this method does
nothing and returns null.
Extension Methods
Name | Value | Summary |
Calculate |
float |
[Animancer Extension] [Editor-Only]
Returns the duration of the `node`s current fade (if any), otherwise returns the `defaultDuration`.
IsValid |
bool |
[Animancer Extension] Is the `node` is not null and
Animancer.AnimancerNode.IsValid ?From AnimancerUtilities