Animancer Namespace


Everything in the Animancer plugin is located in this namespace.

Class Types

Class Summary
AnimancerComponent The main component through which other scripts can interact with Animancer. It allows you to play animations on an UnityEngine.Animator without using a UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController.
AnimancerJob<T> [Pro-Only] A base class that allows Animation Jobs to be easily inserted into an Animancer graph.
AnimancerLayer A layer on which animations can play with their states managed independantly of other layers while blending the output with those layers.
AnimancerNode Base class for Animancer.AnimancerNode.Playable wrapper objects in an Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.
AnimancerPlayable A UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour which can be used as a substitute for the UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController normally used to control an UnityEngine.Animator.
AnimancerState Base class for all states in an Animancer.AnimancerPlayable graph which manages one or more UnityEngine.Playables.Playables.
AnimancerTransition<TState> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
AnimancerTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
AnimancerTransitionAsset<TTransition> A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
AnimancerTransitionAssetBase A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
AnimancerUtilities Various extension methods and utilities.
AnimatedBool [Pro-Only] A wrapper which allows access to the value of bool properties that are controlled by animations.
AnimatedFloat [Pro-Only] A wrapper which allows access to the value of float properties that are controlled by animations.
AnimatedInt [Pro-Only] A wrapper which allows access to the value of int properties that are controlled by animations.
AnimatedProperty<TJob, TValue> [Pro-Only] A base wrapper which allows access to the value of properties that are controlled by animations.
CartesianMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends an array of other states together based on a two dimensional parameter and thresholds using Gradient Band Interpolation.
ClipState An Animancer.AnimancerState which plays an UnityEngine.AnimationClip.
ClipTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ClipTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
ClipTransitionSequence A group of Animancer.ClipTransitions which play one after the other.
ControllerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which plays a UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController.
ControllerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ControllerTransition<TState> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ControllerTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
CustomFade [Pro-Only] A system which fades animation weights animations using a custom calculation rather than linear interpolation.
DefaultFadeValueAttribute [Editor-Conditional] A Animancer.DefaultValueAttribute which uses the Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.DefaultFadeDuration and 0.
DefaultValueAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Specifies the default value of a field and a secondary fallback.
DirectionalAnimationSet A set of up/right/down/left animations.
DirectionalAnimationSet8 A set of up/right/down/left animations with diagonals as well.
DirectionalClipTransition A Animancer.ClipTransition which gets its clip from a Animancer.DirectionalAnimationSet.
DirectionalMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends an array of other states together based on a two dimensional parameter and thresholds using Polar Gradient Band Interpolation.
DontAllowFade An Animancer.IUpdatable that cancels any fades and logs warnings when they occur.
DrawAfterEventsAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Causes an Inspector field in an Animancer.ITransition to be drawn after its events where the events would normally be drawn last.
Easing A set of common easing functions.
EventNamesAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Specifies a set of acceptable names for Animancer.AnimancerEvents so they can be displayed using a dropdown menu instead of a text field.
ExitEvent [Pro-Only] A callback for when an Animancer.AnimancerNode.EffectiveWeight becomes 0.
ExposedPropertyTable Sets a UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector as Animancer's UnityEngine.IExposedPropertyTable.
FastComparer An System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1 which ignores overloaded equality operators so it is faster than System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1.Default for types derived from UnityEngine.Object.
FastReferenceComparer An System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1 which uses System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) to be even faster than Animancer.FastComparer. Unfortunately this means it will not work for boxed value types (such as enums).
Float1ControllerState [Pro-Only] A Animancer.ControllerState which manages one float parameter.
Float1ControllerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
Float1ControllerTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
Float2ControllerState [Pro-Only] A Animancer.ControllerState which manages two float parameters.
Float2ControllerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
Float2ControllerTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
Float3ControllerState [Pro-Only] A Animancer.ControllerState which manages three float parameters.
Float3ControllerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
Float3ControllerTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
HybridAnimancerComponent [Pro-Only] A Animancer.NamedAnimancerComponent which plays a main UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController with the ability to play other individual UnityEngine.AnimationClips separately.
HybridAnimancerComponentExtensions Extension methods for Animancer.HybridAnimancerComponent.
Key Stores the index of an object in a Animancer.Key.KeyedList`1.
LazyStack<T> A simple stack implementation that tracks an active index without actually adding or removing objects.
LinearMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends an array of other states together using linear interpolation between the specified thresholds.
LinearMixerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
LinearMixerTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
ManualMixerState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which blends multiple child states by allowing you to control their Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight manually.
ManualMixerTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ManualMixerTransition<TMixer> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
ManualMixerTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
MixerParameterTween<TParameter> A system which interpolates a Animancer.MixerState`1.Parameter over time.
MixerParameterTweenFloat A Animancer.MixerParameterTween`1 which uses UnityEngine.Mathf.LerpUnclamped(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single).
MixerParameterTweenVector2 A Animancer.MixerParameterTween`1 which uses UnityEngine.Vector2.LerpUnclamped(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Single).
MixerState<TParameter> [Pro-Only] Base class for mixers which blend an array of child states together based on a Animancer.MixerState`1.Parameter.
MixerTransition<TMixer, TParameter> A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
MixerTransition2D A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
MixerTransition2DAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
MixerTransitionDrawer [Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Transition<TMixer, TParameter>.
NamedAnimancerComponent An Animancer.AnimancerComponent which uses the UnityEngine.Object.names of UnityEngine.AnimationClips so they can be referenced using strings as well as the clips themselves.
ObjectPool Convenience methods for accessing Animancer.ObjectPool`1.
ObjectPool<T> A simple object pooling system.
PlayableAssetState [Pro-Only] An Animancer.AnimancerState which plays a UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset.
PlayableAssetTransition A serializable Animancer.ITransition which can create a particular type of Animancer.AnimancerState when passed into Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.Play(Animancer.ITransition).
PlayableAssetTransitionAsset A UnityEngine.ScriptableObject based Animancer.ITransition.
PolymorphicAttribute The attributed field will be drawn by a Animancer.Editor.PolymorphicDrawer.
RedirectRootMotion A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a different object.
RedirectRootMotionToCharacterController A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a UnityEngine.CharacterController.
RedirectRootMotionToRigidbody A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a UnityEngine.Rigidbody.
RedirectRootMotionToTransform A component which takes the root motion from an UnityEngine.Animator and applies it to a UnityEngine.Transform.
SelfDrawerAttribute [Editor-Conditional] A UnityEngine.PropertyAttribute which draws itself rather than needing a separate UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer.
SoloAnimation Plays a single UnityEngine.AnimationClip.
SpriteRendererTextureSwap Replaces the UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer.sprite with a copy of it that uses a different Animancer.SpriteRendererTextureSwap.Texture during every Animancer.SpriteRendererTextureSwap.LateUpdate.
Strings Various string constants used throughout Animancer.
ThresholdLabelAttribute [Editor-Conditional] Specifies a custom display label for the Thresholds column of a mixer transition.
TimeSynchronizationGroup A system for synchronizing the Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime of certain animations.
TimeSynchronizer<T> A system for synchronizing the Animancer.AnimancerState.NormalizedTime of certain animations.
Validate Enforces various rules throughout the system, most of which are compiled out if UNITY_ASSERTIONS is not defined (by default, it is only defined in the Unity Editor and in Development Builds).

Struct Types

Struct Summary
AnimancerEvent A Animancer.AnimancerEvent.callback delegate paired with a Animancer.AnimancerEvent.normalizedTime to determine when to invoke it.
FastEnumerator<T> An System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1 for any System.Collections.Generic.IList`1 doesn't bother checking if the target has been modified. This gives it good performance but also makes it slightly less safe to use.
SimpleTimer A very simple timer system based on a System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
FadeMode Determines how Animancer.AnimancerLayer.Play(Animancer.AnimancerState,System.Single,Animancer.FadeMode) works.
OptionalWarning Bitwise flags used by Animancer.Validate.IsEnabled(Animancer.OptionalWarning) and Animancer.Validate.Disable(Animancer.OptionalWarning) to determine which warnings Animancer should give.

These warnings are all optional. Feel free to disable any of them if you understand the potential issues they are referring to.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IAnimancerComponent Interface for components that manage an Animancer.AnimancerPlayable.
IAnimationClipCollection A variant of UnityEngine.IAnimationClipSource which uses a System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1 instead of a System.Collections.Generic.List`1 so that it can take a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 to efficiently avoid adding duplicates. Animancer.AnimancerUtilities contains various extension methods for this purpose.
ICharacterRoot Interface for components to indicate which UnityEngine.GameObject is the root of a character when Animancer.Editor.AnimancerEditorUtilities.FindRoot(UnityEngine.GameObject) is called.
ICopyable<T> Interface for objects that can be copied.
IHasEvents An object which has an Animancer.AnimancerEvent.Sequence.Serializable.
IHasKey Exposes a Animancer.IHasKey.Key object that can be used for dictionaries and hash sets.
IMotion An object with an Animancer.IMotion.AverageAngularSpeed and Animancer.IMotion.AverageVelocity.
IPlayableWrapper Interface for objects that manage a UnityEngine.Playables.Playable.
IPolymorphic An object that will be drawn by a Animancer.Editor.PolymorphicDrawer.
IPolymorphicReset An Animancer.IPolymorphic with a Animancer.IPolymorphicReset.Reset method.
ITransition An object which can create an Animancer.AnimancerState and set its details.
ITransition<TState> An Animancer.ITransition which creates a specific type of Animancer.AnimancerState.
ITransitionDetailed An Animancer.ITransition with some additional details (mainly for the Unity Editor GUI).
ITransitionWithEvents A combination of Animancer.ITransition and Animancer.IHasEvents.
IUpdatable [Pro-Only] An object that can be updated during Animancer's animation updates.
IWrapper An object which wraps a Animancer.IWrapper.WrappedObject object.


Namespace Summary
Animancer.Editor [Editor-Only] Types used in the Unity Editor which doesn't exist at runtime.
Animancer.Examples Examples of how to use Animancer.
Animancer.FSM A flexible Finite State Machine system.
Animancer.Units Various attributes for displaying units of measurement on float fields.