FadeGroup Class


A group of Animancer.AnimancerNodes which are cross-fading.
graph BT Type-->Base0["Updatable"] click Base0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/Updatable" Base0-->Base1["Object"] Type-.->Interface0["IUpdatable"] click Interface0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IUpdatable" Type-.->Interface1["ICloneable<FadeGroup>"] Type-.->Interface2["ICopyable<FadeGroup>"] Type-.->Interface3["IHasDescription"] click Interface3 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IHasDescription" Type["FadeGroup"] class Type type-node


public class FadeGroup : Updatable, IUpdatable, ICloneable<FadeGroup>, ICopyable<FadeGroup>, 


Documentation: Custom Fade

void FadeGroupExample(AnimancerComponent animancer, AnimationClip clip)
    // Start fading the animation normally.
    var state = animancer.Play(clip, 0.25f);
    // Then a custom CalculateProgress delegate to modify it.
    state.FadeGroup.CalculateProgress = t => t * t;// Square the 0-1 value to start slow and end fast.
    // The Easing class has lots of standard mathematical curve functions.
    state.FadeGroup.CalculateProgress = Easing.Sine.InOut;
    // Or you can use the Easing.Function enum.


Name Value Summary
Easing Func<float, float>
[Pro-Only] An optional function for modifying the fade curve.
FadeDuration float
The total amount of time this fade will take to complete (in seconds).
FadeIn NodeWeight
The node which is fading towards the Animancer.FadeGroup.TargetWeight.
FadeOut IReadOnlyList<NodeWeight>
The nodes which are fading out.
FadeSpeed float
The speed at which the Animancer.FadeGroup.NormalizedTime increases.
Graph AnimancerGraph
The Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Graph.
IsValid bool
Should this fade continue?
KeepChildrenConnected bool
Should the fading nodes always be connected to the Animancer.FadeGroup.ParentPlayable?
NormalizedTime float
The 0-1 progress of this fade.
Parent AnimancerNodeBase
The Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Graph.
ParentPlayable Playable
The Animancer.AnimancerNodeBase.Playable of the Animancer.FadeGroup.Parent.
RemainingFadeDuration float
The remaining amount of time this fade will take to complete (in seconds).
TargetWeight float
The Animancer.AnimancerNode.Weight which the Animancer.FadeGroup.FadeIn is moving towards.


Name Value Summary
AppendDescription(StringBuilder, string) void
Appends a detailed descrption of the current details of this object.
ApplyWeights() void
Recalculates the node weights based on the Animancer.FadeGroup.NormalizedTime.
AssertNormalizedBounds(Func<float, float>, string) void
[Assert-Conditional] Checks Animancer.OptionalWarning.FadeEasingBounds.
Cancel() void
Interrupts this fade and releases it to the Animancer.ObjectPool`1.
Clone(CloneContext) FadeGroup
Creates a new object with the same type and values this.
CloneForSingleTarget(AnimancerNode, AnimancerNode) FadeGroup
Creates a clone of this Animancer.FadeGroup for a single target node (`copyTo`).
Contains(AnimancerNode) bool
Does this fade affect the `node`?
CopyFrom(FadeGroup, CloneContext) void
Copies the contents of `copyFrom` into this object, replacing its previous contents.
GetTargetWeight(AnimancerNode) float
Returns the Animancer.FadeGroup.TargetWeight if the `node` is the Animancer.FadeGroup.FadeIn. Otherwise, returns 0.
Remove(AnimancerNode) bool
Removes the `node` from this Animancer.FadeGroup and returns true if successful.
ResetFades() void
Re-assigns this to the Animancer.AnimancerNode.FadeGroups.
SetFades() void
Assigns this to the Animancer.AnimancerNode.FadeGroups.
SetNode(AnimancerNode) void
Assigns the Animancer.FadeGroup.FadeIn with no Animancer.FadeGroup.FadeOut.
SetNodes(AnimancerNode, AnimancerNode, IReadOnlyList<AnimancerNode>, bool) void
Assigns the target nodes that will be faded.
StartFade() void
Registers this fade to be updated.
StartFade(float, float) void
Sets the starting values and registers this fade to be updated.
Update() void
Updates this object.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
SetEasing(Easing.Function) void
[Pro-Only] Assigns the Animancer.Easing.GetDelegate(Animancer.Easing.Function) as the Animancer.FadeGroup.Easing.
SetEasing(Func<float, float>) void
[Pro-Only] Assigns the `function` as the Animancer.FadeGroup.Easing.