
This page is part of the 3D Game Kit sample.

The character has several different animations to play when you land on the ground which it blends between based on your horizontal and vertical speeds.

Standing Running
The vertical speed difference essentially determines how long the landing animation takes. The horizontal speed difference affects the movement of the hands and when both speeds are fast enough it uses an entirely different animation to have the character roll instead.


The Mecanim character's LandingSM state is a Sub State Machine:

EllenRunForwardLandingFast is a regular state which plays the Roll animation when the speeds are fast enough while the Landing state is a Blend Tree:

The logic for this state is almost entirely managed within the Animator Controller by the transitions and Blend Tree based on the speed parameters that have already been set for the Locomotion and Airborne states, with a few exceptions in the PlayerController script:

  • IsOrientationUpdated checks if the Animator Controller is in the Landing state to allow scripted turning. This means that simply looking at the Animator Controller will not tell you that the player is able to turn normally during the Landing state but not during the EllenRunForwardLandingFast state.
  • PlayAudio checks if the character just landed in order to play sounds.
  • OnAnimatorMove makes sure the character is not on the ground before telling the Animator Controller the new vertical speed so it can blend correctly based on the impact speed. Otherwise the actual vertical speed while grounded is always a constant value which the Blend Tree does not need to know about.


With Animancer, all the above logic is defined by the LandingState script. As usual, this means less configuration in the Unity Editor in exchange for more code and it is significantly easier to understand the logic:

using Animancer;
using Animancer.Units;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class LandingState : CharacterState
    [SerializeField] private MixerTransition2D _SoftLanding;
    [SerializeField] private ClipTransition _HardLanding;
    [SerializeField, MetersPerSecond] private float _HardLandingForwardSpeed = 5;
    [SerializeField, MetersPerSecond] private float _HardLandingVerticalSpeed = -10;
    [SerializeField] private UnityEvent _PlayAudio;

    private bool _IsSoftLanding;

    protected virtual void Awake()
        _SoftLanding.Events.OnEnd =
            _HardLanding.Events.OnEnd =
            () => Character.CheckMotionState();

    public override bool CanEnterState => Character.Movement.IsGrounded;

    protected virtual void OnEnable()
        Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed = Character.Parameters.DesiredForwardSpeed;

        if (Character.Parameters.VerticalSpeed <= _HardLandingVerticalSpeed &&
            Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed >= _HardLandingForwardSpeed)
            _IsSoftLanding = false;
            _IsSoftLanding = true;
            _SoftLanding.State.Parameter = new Vector2(Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed, Character.Parameters.VerticalSpeed);


    public override bool FullMovementControl => _IsSoftLanding;

    protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
        if (!Character.Movement.IsGrounded &&


        if (_IsSoftLanding)
            Vector2 parameter = _SoftLanding.State.Parameter;
            parameter.x = Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed;
            _SoftLanding.State.Parameter = parameter;

        AnimancerState state = Character.Animancer.States.Current;
        if (state.NormalizedTime >= state.Events.NormalizedEndTime)


We start with some Serialized Fields to show in the Inspector (with appropriate Units Attributes):

[SerializeField] private MixerTransition2D _SoftLanding;
[SerializeField] private ClipTransition _HardLanding;
[SerializeField, MetersPerSecond] private float _HardLandingForwardSpeed = 5;
[SerializeField, MetersPerSecond] private float _HardLandingVerticalSpeed = -10;
[SerializeField] private UnityEvent _PlayAudio;// See the Read Me.

private bool _IsSoftLanding;

Where the Locomotion state used a ControllerState to play an Animator Controller containing the same Blend Tree the Mecanim character used, this time we are using a Mixer so that we can set it up in the Inspector instead of needing to create another Animator Controller asset just for that Blend Tree.

When either of the animations ends we want to return to check the regular transitions to Idle or Locomotion as explained on the Idle page so on startup we register that method as the End Event for both transitions:

protected virtual void Awake()
    _SoftLanding.Events.OnEnd =
        _HardLanding.Events.OnEnd =
        () => Character.CheckMotionState();

Note how the End Time of both states is set to 0.75x in the Inspector, meaning the registered event will be triggered 75% of the way through the animation so that it can begin Fading to the next animation while the landing animation approaches its end rather than waiting for it to fully end first.

State Entry

As was explained in the Airborne state, we override this state's CanEnterState to only allow it to be entered when the CharacterController is on the ground:

public override bool CanEnterState => Character.Movement.IsGrounded;

The Mecanim character was implemented such that if you were Airborne at full speed and tried to stop moving right before landing then you would still move forward a bit after touching the ground, which made it harder to control precisely. So instead, the first thing we do when entering this state is snap the Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed to be exactly the speed the player is trying to move:

protected virtual void OnEnable()
    Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed = Character.Parameters.DesiredForwardSpeed;

Then we check the speeds to determine whether to use the _HardLanding animation or the _SoftLanding Mixer. Note that the VerticalSpeed uses <= because we are dealing with downward speeds so a more negative value means falling faster:

    if (Character.Parameters.VerticalSpeed <= _HardLandingVerticalSpeed &&
        Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed >= _HardLandingForwardSpeed)
        _IsSoftLanding = false;
        _IsSoftLanding = true;

When using the _SoftLanding, we also set the mixer parameters:

        _SoftLanding.State.Parameter = new Vector2(Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed, Character.Parameters.VerticalSpeed);

And finally, we play a sound (using a UnityEvent due to the Script Referencing issue):


In this case, the event actually plays two sounds; a grunt from the character and an impact sound based on the type of ground they are landing on (though the 3D Game Kit Lite only has one type of ground so that mechanic does not actually achieve anything here).


We override the FullMovementControl property so that the soft landing will give the player full control over their movements while the hard landing will use the raw root motion from the Roll animation instead. See the Locomotion page for more details.

public override bool FullMovementControl => _IsSoftLanding;

In the FixedUpdate method we start by checking if the character has left the ground, in which case it needs to be Airborne again:

protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
    if (!Character.Movement.IsGrounded &&

Then we update the Character's control over its speed as explained on the Idle page:


If we are using a soft landing, we need to inform the Mixer about the character's new forward speed. Like with Mecanim, we do not want to inform it of any changes to the vertical speed because we want it to continue based on the vertical speed it had on impact when first entering this state:

    if (_IsSoftLanding)
        Vector2 parameter = _SoftLanding.State.Parameter;
        parameter.x = Character.Parameters.ForwardSpeed;
        _SoftLanding.State.Parameter = parameter;

When the animation ends, it will transition to either Idle or Locomotion thanks to the End Event we assigned in Awake.