Kybernetik.InspectorGadgets.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AutoPrefs A collection of wrappers for PlayerPrefs which simplify the way you can store and retrieve values.
AutoPrefs.AutoPref<T> An object which encapsulates a pref value stored with a specific key.
AutoPrefs.Bool An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a bool value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
AutoPrefs.Float An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a float value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
AutoPrefs.Int An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates an int value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
AutoPrefs.Quaternion An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which UnityEngine.Quaternion value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
AutoPrefs.String An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a string value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
AutoPrefs.Vector2 An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a UnityEngine.Vector2 value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
AutoPrefs.Vector3 An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a UnityEngine.Vector3 value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
AutoPrefs.Vector4 An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a UnityEngine.Vector4 value stored in UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.
BaseInspectableAttribute [Pro-Only] Editor.Editor<T> uses these attributes to add extra elements to the inspector.
ButtonAttribute [Pro-Only] Editor.Editor<T> uses this attribute to add a button at the bottom of the default inspector to run the marked method.
ClampValueAttribute [Pro-Only] Specifies the range of values allowed by the attributed int or float field. See also: InspectorGadgets.Attributes.MinValueAttribute and InspectorGadgets.Attributes.MaxValueAttribute.
ColorAttribute [Pro-Only] Causes the attributed field to be drawn in a specific color.
CommentAsset Holds a text comment as a UnityEngine.ScriptableObject asset which can be viewed and edited in the inspector.
CommentComponent Holds a text comment for a UnityEngine.GameObject which can be viewed and edited in the inspector.
EulerAttribute [Pro-Only] Causes the attributed UnityEngine.Quaternion field to be drawn as Euler Angles.
HasComponentAttribute [Pro-Only] When applied to a UnityEngine.GameObject field, any object assigned to that field must have a component of the specified type.
IGUtils Various utility methods used by InspectorGadgets.
InspectableAttribute [Pro-Only] Adds the attributed field or property to the inspector as if it were serialized.
LabelAttribute [Pro-Only] Adds a label at the bottom of the default inspector to display the value of the marked property.
LabelledCollectionAttribute [Pro-Only] Provides labels for the elements of a collection field to use instead of just calling them "Element X".
LayerAttribute Displays the attributed int field as a layer.
MaxValueAttribute [Pro-Only] Specifies the maximum value allowed by the attributed int or float field. See also: InspectorGadgets.Attributes.MinValueAttribute and InspectorGadgets.Attributes.ClampValueAttribute.
MinValueAttribute [Pro-Only] Specifies the minimum value allowed by the attributed int or float field. See also: InspectorGadgets.Attributes.MaxValueAttribute and InspectorGadgets.Attributes.ClampValueAttribute.
ReadonlyAttribute [Pro-Only] Causes the attributed field to be greyed out and un-editable in the inspector.
RequiredAttribute [Pro-Only] When the attributed member is drawn in the inspector, it will be highlighted in red when it has the default value.
SceneAttribute [Pro-Only] Causes the attributed int or string field to be drawn as a dropdown box for selecting scenes from the build settings.
ShowPreviewAttribute [Pro-Only] Causes the attributed UnityEngine.Object reference field to draw a preview of the target object.
Strings String constants used throughout InspectorGadgets.
ToolbarAttribute [Pro-Only] Causes a bool, string, or enum field to be drawn in the inspector as a series of toggle buttons rather than the usual dropdown list or text field.
UniqueCollectionAttribute [Pro-Only] Shows a warning for any elements of the attributed collection which aren't unique.
ValidatorAttribute [Pro-Only] Base class for attributes that apply some sort of validation to a field.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
EditorState Represents a Unity Editor state which can be used as a condition.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
AutoPrefs.IAutoPref An object which encapsulates a pref value stored with a specific key.
IComment A common interface for objects which display a comment in the Inspector.