Kybernetik.InspectorGadgets.Editor.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AdvancedDragAndDrop [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] Shows a context menu with more advanced options when dropping things into the Project Window.
AutoHideUI [Editor-Only] Automatically hides the UI layer inside the Editor so it doesn't get in the way of 3D objects in scene view.

When any object is selected that is on the UI layer, the layer will be shown and the camera changed to 2D orthographic and zoomed to the current selection.

When any object on another layer is selected, the UI layer will be hidden and the camera changed back to the previous state.
AutoPrefs [Editor-Only] A collection of wrappers for EditorPrefs which simplify the way you can store and retrieve values.
AutoPrefs.EditorBool [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a bool value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
AutoPrefs.EditorFloat [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a float value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
AutoPrefs.EditorInt [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates an int value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
AutoPrefs.EditorQuaternion [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a UnityEngine.Quaternion value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
AutoPrefs.EditorString [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a string value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
AutoPrefs.EditorVector2 [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a UnityEngine.Vector2 value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
AutoPrefs.EditorVector3 [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a UnityEngine.Vector3 value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
AutoPrefs.EditorVector4 [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.AutoPrefs.AutoPref`1 which encapsulates a UnityEngine.Vector4 value stored in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
BaseInspectableAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for InspectorGadgets.Attributes.BaseInspectableAttribute.
BaseInspectableAttributeDrawer<T> [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for InspectorGadgets.Attributes.BaseInspectableAttribute.
CollectionPropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A InspectorGadgets.Editor.PropertyAccessor for a specific element index in a collection.
ColorAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.ColorAttribute.
CommentEditor [Editor-Only] Custom Inspector for InspectorGadgets.IComments.
CompactUnitConversionCache [Editor-Only] A system for formatting floats as strings that fit into a limited area and storing the results so they can be reused to minimise the need for garbage collection, particularly for string construction.
ConversionCache [Editor-Only] Utilities for InspectorGadgets.Editor.ConversionCache`2.
ConversionCache<TKey, TValue> [Editor-Only] A simple system for converting objects and storing the results so they can be reused to minimise the need for garbage collection, particularly for string construction.
CustomTransformGizmo [Editor-Only] Settings which control the custom Transform Gizmo.
DisposableStaticLazyStack<T> A InspectorGadgets.StaticLazyStack`1 which implements System.IDisposable.Dispose to automatically call InspectorGadgets.StaticLazyStack`1.Decrement
Editor<T> [Pro-Only] [Editor-Only] Base class to derive custom editors from, with a bunch of additional features on top of Unity's base UnityEditor.Editor class.
EditorStrings [Editor-Only] String constants used throughout InspectorGadgets.
EnhancedHierarchy [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] Improved GUI for the Hierarchy window.
EnhancedHierarchy.Preferences Editor GUI to display the InspectorGadgets.Editor.EnhancedHierarchy preferences.
EulerAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.EulerAttribute.
FloatVisualiserWindow [Editor-Only] The "Visualise" command in the context menu of a float property can be used to open this window which visualises the property's value in the scene.
IGEditorUtils [Editor-Only] Various utility methods used by InspectorGadgets.
InfoBoxAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with an InspectorGadgets.Attributes.InfoBoxAttribute.
LabelledCollectionAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.LabelledCollectionAttribute.
LayerAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.LabelledCollectionAttribute.
MethodCache [Pro-Only] [Editor-Only] InspectorGadgets.Editor.MethodCache`1s for custom event messages added by Inspector Gadgets.
MethodCache<TDelegate> [Pro-Only] [Editor-Only] Retrieves and caches methods that match a specified signature.
MissingScriptEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour but not its children, so it should only ever get used on missing scripts.
ModifierKeysPref [Editor-Only] An InspectorGadgets.Editor.AutoPrefs.EditorInt which wraps InspectorGadgets.Editor.ModifierKey flags.
NullableVector4 A UnityEngine.Vector4 which uses nullable floats.
ObjectDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for UnityEngine.Object fields.
PersistentValues [Pro-Only] [Editor-Only] Manages values that need to persist after leaving Play Mode.
Preferences [Editor-Only] GUI for Inspector Gadgets settings.
PropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A wrapper for accessing the underlying values and fields of a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
PropertyVisualiserWindow [Editor-Only] Base class for editor windows that help visualise the value of a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
ReadonlyAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.ReadonlyAttribute.
RequiredAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.RequiredAttribute.
SceneAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.SceneAttribute.
Serialization [Editor-Only] Various serialization utilities.
Serialization.ObjectReference [Editor-Only] Directly serializing an UnityEngine.Object reference doesn't always work (such as with scene objects when entering Play Mode), so this class also serializes their instance ID and uses that if the direct reference fails.
Serialization.PropertyReference [Editor-Only] A serializable reference to a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
Shortcut [Editor-Only] A link to another location in the project for easy navigation.
ShowPreviewAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.ShowPreviewAttribute.
SimpleStaticLazyStack<TStack, TValue> A InspectorGadgets.DisposableStaticLazyStack`1 that gets and stores a particular TValue, sets it to a different value, and then reverts it to the previous value when disposed.
StaticLazyStack<T> A static stack that creates new elements as needed but keeps and reuses them instead of actually adding and removing like a regular stack.
ToolbarAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.ToolbarAttribute.
TransformEditor [Editor-Only] A custom Inspector for UnityEngine.Transform components.
UniqueCollectionAttributeDrawer [Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] A custom drawer for fields with a InspectorGadgets.Attributes.UniqueCollectionAttribute.
Vector2VisualiserWindow [Editor-Only] The "Visualise" command in the context menu of a UnityEngine.Vector2 property can be used to open this window which visualises the property's value in the scene.
Vector3VisualiserWindow [Editor-Only] The "Visualise" command in the context menu of a UnityEngine.Vector3 property can be used to open this window which visualises the property's value in the scene.
WatcherWindow [Editor-Only] An UnityEditor.EditorWindow which draws various objects without needing to select them individually.

Delegate Types

Delegate Summary
AutoPrefs.GUIFieldMethod<T> [Editor-Only] A delegate used to draw a GUI field and return its value.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
MenuFunctionState [Editor-Only] The possible states for a function in a UnityEditor.GenericMenu.
ModifierKey [Editor-Only] Flags for a combination of Alt, Ctrl, and Shift.