PropertyVisualiserWindow Class


[Editor-Only] Base class for editor windows that help visualise the value of a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
graph BT Type-->Base0["EditorWindow"] Type["PropertyVisualiserWindow"] class Type type-node Derived0["Vector2VisualiserWindow"]-->Type click Derived0 "/inspector-gadgets/api/InspectorGadgets.Editor/Vector2VisualiserWindow" Derived1["FloatVisualiserWindow"]-->Type click Derived1 "/inspector-gadgets/api/InspectorGadgets.Editor/FloatVisualiserWindow" Derived2["Vector3VisualiserWindow"]-->Type click Derived2 "/inspector-gadgets/api/InspectorGadgets.Editor/Vector3VisualiserWindow"


public abstract class PropertyVisualiserWindow : EditorWindow


Name Value Summary
SelectedTransform Transform
If the "Relative to Selection" toggle is enabled, this property returns the selected object's UnityEngine.Transform.
Target Serialization.PropertyReference
A serializable reference to the UnityEditor.SerializedProperty being visualised.
WindowName string
The name of the window to use as its title.


Name Value Summary
AddVisualiseItem<T>(GenericMenu, SerializedProperty) void
Add a "Visualise" menu item which calls InspectorGadgets.Editor.PropertyVisualiserWindow.Visualise``1(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty).
DoOptionsGUI() void
Draws a toggle to control whether the visualisations should be relative to the selected object or not. Override this method to add additional options to the window.
OnDisable() void
Called when this window is unloaded. Unregisters the InspectorGadgets.Editor.PropertyVisualiserWindow.DoSceneGUI(UnityEditor.SceneView) callback.
OnEnable() void
Called when this window is loaded. Sets the window title and registers the InspectorGadgets.Editor.PropertyVisualiserWindow.DoSceneGUI(UnityEditor.SceneView) callback.
OnGUI() void
Draws this window's GUI by calling InspectorGadgets.Editor.PropertyVisualiserWindow.DoOptionsGUI then drawing the target property.
OnSceneGUI(SceneView) void
Override this method to draw gizmos in the scene to visualise the target property.
ValidateTarget() bool
Called at the start of InspectorGadgets.Editor.PropertyVisualiserWindow.OnGUI. If this method returns false, the window will be closed.
Visualise<T>(SerializedProperty) void
Opens a InspectorGadgets.Editor.PropertyVisualiserWindow of the specified type and assigns the specified `property` as its target.