Missile Class


A projectile that flies straight and creates an Weaver.Examples.Explosion when it hits something or takes damage.
Base Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["PoolableBehaviour<Missile>"] Base0-->Base1["MonoBehaviour"] Type-.->Interface0["IPoolable"] click Interface0 "/weaver/api/Weaver/IPoolable" Type-.->Interface1["ITakeDamage"] click Interface1 "/weaver/api/Weaver.Examples/ITakeDamage" Type["Missile"] class Type type-node


public sealed class Missile : PoolableBehaviour<Missile>, IPoolable, ITakeDamage


Name Value Summary
ExplosionPrefab Explosion
The Weaver.Examples.Explosion prefab to instantiate on impact or when damaged.
IsWorthPoints bool
Indicates whether this missile will increase the player's score when destroyed.
Rigidbody Rigidbody
The Weaver.Examples.Missile.Rigidbody which moves this missile.
Source IDealDamage
The owner of this missile.
Speed float
The speed at which this missile is moving.
SpeedMultiplier float
The movement speed specified in Weaver.Examples.Missile.Fire(Weaver.Examples.IDealDamage,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single,System.Boolean) is multiplied by this value.


Name Value Summary
Fire(IDealDamage, Vector3, Quaternion, float, bool) void
Initializes and activates this missile.
OnCollisionEnter() void
Called by Unity when this object collides with something. Causes this missile to Explode.
OnRelease() void
Called when this object is released back to its Weaver.ObjectPool`1. Resets its values back to their defaults.
OnTakeDamage(IDealDamage, int) void
Called when this object is damaged by something. Spawns an explosion and releases this missile back to its Weaver.ObjectPool`1.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
TryReleaseOrDestroyGameObject<Missile>() bool
If the `behaviour` was created by an Weaver.ObjectPool`1 this method releases the `behaviour` to it, disables its UnityEngine.GameObject, and returns true. Otherwise this method destroys the UnityEngine.GameObject and returns false.