ItemDisplay Class


A group of UI components which display the details of an Weaver.Examples.Item.
Base Types
  • MonoBehaviour
graph BT Type-->Base0["MonoBehaviour"] Type["ItemDisplay"] class Type type-node


public sealed class ItemDisplay : MonoBehaviour


Name Value Summary
Cost Text
A UnityEngine.UI.Text component used to display the item's cost.
Description Text
A UnityEngine.UI.Text component used to display the item's description.
Icon RawImage
A UnityEngine.UI.RawImage component used to display the item's icon.
IsLoaded Text
A UnityEngine.UI.Text component used to indicate whether the item is currently loaded.
Name Text
A UnityEngine.UI.Text component used to display the item's name.
Transform RectTransform
The UnityEngine.RectTransform of this object.
Weight Text
A UnityEngine.UI.Text component used to display the item's weight.


Name Value Summary
OnClick() void
Called when this display is clicked on. Ensures that the target item is loaded and spawns an instance of it in the scene.
SetItem(ItemList, int) void
Initializes this display to show the details of the item at the specified `index`.