EditorPrefAttribute Class


An Weaver.InjectionAttribute which saves and loads the value of the attributed member in UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.
  • IInjector
  • IHasCustomMenu
  • WeaverWindow.IItem
Base Types


public sealed class EditorPrefAttribute : PrefAttribute, IInjector, IHasCustomMenu, 


Name Summary
EditorPrefAttribute() [Editor-Only] Creates a new Weaver.EditorPrefAttribute.


Name Type Summary
OnSave Action
A callback which is invoked by Weaver.PrefAttribute.SaveAll.
Inherited from PrefAttribute


Name Constant Value Summary
[Editor-Only] The cached tooltip of this attribute. Should only be read by Weaver.InjectionAttribute.GetInspectorTooltip.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
[Editor-Only] Cached return value of Weaver.InjectionAttribute.ToString.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute


Name Value Summary
DefaultValue Object
[Editor-Only] The initial value of the attributed member before it was injected.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
EditorOnly bool
If set to true, this attribute won't be used in builds. Must be set for attributes inside #if UNITY_EDITOR regions since that fact can't be detected automatically.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
InEditMode bool
[Editor-Only] Returns true. Prefs should always have their saved value.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
Key string
The name that will be used to identify the saved value. If not set, it will use the attributed member's Namespace.DeclaringType.Name.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
OldKey string
The Weaver.PrefAttribute.Key that the pref was previously saved with.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
Optional bool
If set to true, this attribute will not give any errors when it is unable to initialize with an appropriate value.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
PrefsTypeName string
[Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] The full name of the prefs class to use when building the procedural injector script.
ShouldShow bool
[Editor-Only] Indicates whether this attribute should currently be visible in the Weaver.Editor.Window.WeaverWindow.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
Tooltip string
A description of the purpose of the attributed property to be shown in the Unity Editor.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
Type PrefAttribute.PrefType
[Editor-Only] The Weaver.PrefAttribute.PrefType of the attributed member.
Inherited from PrefAttribute


Name Value Summary
AddItemsToMenu(GenericMenu) void
[Editor-Only] Adds various functions for this attribute to the `menu`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
AppendDetail(StringBuilder, bool, string) void
[Editor-Only] Appends an opening bracket or comma depending on `isFirst` followed by the specified `detail` and sets `isFirst` to false. Intended for use within Weaver.InjectionAttribute.AppendDetails(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Boolean@).
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
AppendDetails(StringBuilder, bool) void
[Editor-Only] Appends any optional properties that have been set on this attribute.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
AppendPrefGetter(StringBuilder, Type, string, Object) void
[Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] Appends C# code to get the value of this pref from persistent storage.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
AppendPrefSetter(StringBuilder, Type, string, string) void
[Editor-Only] [Pro-Only] Appends C# code to save the value of this pref to persistent storage.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
CheckContextMenu() void
[Editor-Only] Calls Weaver.InjectionAttribute.CheckContextMenu(UnityEngine.Rect) with the last UnityEngine.GUILayout rect.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
CheckContextMenu(Rect) void
[Editor-Only] If the current event is a UnityEngine.EventType.ContextClick inside the `area`, this method builds a menu using Weaver.InjectionAttribute.AddItemsToMenu(UnityEditor.GenericMenu) and shows it.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
DoInspectorGUI() void
[Editor-Only] Draws the inspector GUI for this attribute.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
Equals(Object) bool
[Editor-Only] Uses System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object) instead of the default System.Attribute.Equals(System.Object).
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
GetFloat(string) float
[Editor-Only] Returns the float value saved with the specified `key`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
GetHashCode() int
[Editor-Only] Returns the hash code for this instance.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
GetInspectorTooltip() string
[Editor-Only] Builds, caches, and returns a tooltip message for this attribute.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
GetInt(string) int
[Editor-Only] Returns the int value saved with the specified `key`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
GetMissingValueMessage() string
[Editor-Only] Returns a message indicating that no value has been assigned for this attribute.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
GetPrefType(Type) PrefAttribute.PrefType
[Editor-Only] Returns the Weaver.PrefAttribute.PrefType associated with the specified `type`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
GetString(string) string
[Editor-Only] Returns the string value saved with the specified `key`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
GetTempLabelContent() GUIContent
[Editor-Only] Returns a reusable UnityEngine.GUIContent containing the name, tooltip, and icon of this attribute.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
GetValue() Object
[Editor-Only] Tries to get the value of the attributed member. Catches and logs any exceptions.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
GetValueToInject() Object
[Editor-Only] Returns a value to be assigned to the attributed property.
HasKey(string) bool
[Editor-Only] Indicates whether a value has been saved using the specified `key`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
IsSupportedPref(Type) bool
[Editor-Only] Indicates whether the specified `type` can be saved as a pref.
IsSupportedPref(Type) bool
[Editor-Only] Indicates whether the specified `type` can be saved as a pref.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
LogThisInvalidAttribute(string) bool
[Editor-Only] Logs a message indicating that this attribute is invalid, followed by a `message` explaining why. Returns false.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
SaveAll() void
Writes the values of all prefs to their persistent storage.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
SetFloat(string, float) void
[Editor-Only] Saves the specified float `value` with the specified `key`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
SetInt(string, int) void
[Editor-Only] Saves the specified int `value` with the specified `key`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
SetString(string, string) void
[Editor-Only] Saves the specified string `value` with the specified `key`.
Inherited from PrefAttribute
SetValue(Object) void
[Editor-Only] Tries to set the value of the attributed member. Catches and logs any exceptions.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
ToString() string
[Editor-Only] Returns a description of this attribute.
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
TryInitialize() bool
[Editor-Only] Attempts to initialize this attribute and returns true if successful.

Specifically, this method ensures that the Weaver.InjectionAttribute.MemberType is a supported pref type.
Inherited from PrefAttribute


Name Value Summary
operator !=(InjectionAttribute, Object) bool
Inherited from InjectionAttribute
operator ==(InjectionAttribute, Object) bool
Inherited from InjectionAttribute