Inspector Gadgets v4

Inspector Gadgets v4.4

  • Released 2018-01-30.
  • [Pro-Only] Added Nested Object Inspector system which draws a foldout for each Object reference field to draw the target object's Inspector nested inside the current one. Only applies to fields in custom scripts but not inbuilt components and doesn't support some types (such as GameObjects).
  • Added Remove Component button to the Inspector for missing scripts.
  • Added Open Inspector function to the context menu for object references so you can easily view the referenced object in a new Inspector window without changing your selection.
  • Fixed scene gizmos to match Unity's default functionality for static objects.

Inspector Gadgets v4.3

  • [Pro-Only] Added [UniqueCollection] attribute which highlights any fields in a collection that have the same value.
  • [Pro-Only] Added [RequireAssignment] attribute which highlights a field in red when it has its default value so you know it needs to be assigned.
  • Added specific context menu functions to RectTransform Inspector properties (to replace their generic float/Vector2 menus).
  • Added Progressive Search context menu function to component fields which looks for a component using GetComponent, and if that fails it uses GetComponentInParent, then GetComponentInChildren, then FindObjectOfType.
  • Added Look At Next Selected Object function to the Transform Rotation context menu.
  • Added Randomize Hue command to Color property context menu.
  • Added Multiline property to the [Label] attribute for displaying long values.
  • Fixed the Missing Script Inspector to work like Unity's default.
  • Fixed Find Objects of Type (including Assets) context menu item for Unity Object arrays.
  • Renamed Utils to InspectorGadgetsUtils to avoid name collisions.
  • Removed calls to UnityEditor.LocalizationDatabase since 2017.3 made it internal.

Inspector Gadgets v4.2

  • Released 2017-11-03.
  • Improved integration of the public and private clipboards:
    • Position/Rotation/Scale each have their own private clipboard so that you can copy a position and then a rotation at the same time without overwriting the previous value.
    • Vector3s also have a public clipboard used by the context menu functions on all Vector3 fields. The public clipboard integrates with the system copy buffer so you can copy values to and from other programs as well.
    • When you copy position/rotation/scale using the [C] button or the context menu function, the value is copied to both the private and public clipboards.
    • You can left/right click the [P] button to paste from the public/private clipboard respectively.
    • The context menu Paste function has also been split into separate functions for public/private.
    • Clipboards now handle multi-object selection with different values better. Previously it copied the value from each object into an array and pasted them to multiple objects by iterating through that array. This led to unpredictable results since the order of selected objects is inconsistent (not based on the order you select them, nor the order they appear in the hierarchy). Now the clipboard holds a single vector with partial values, so if you copy from two objects with the same X and Y but different Z values, the X and Y would be copied and the Z value would be ignored when pasting.
    • Copy and paste for Transform fields now properly respect the Local/World mode and Freeze Child Transforms mode.
  • You can now right click the [C] button to log the currently displayed value.
  • You can now right click the [S] button to open the Snap Settings window.
  • The Transform Inspector will now emphasize fields which aren't at their default value.
  • Rect, Bounds, and Color context menu paste functions now parse the system copy buffer to read their string format.
  • The Position Snap to Ground context menu function now works with both 2D and 3D physics.
  • Improved most tooltips.
  • Improved preferences window layout.

Inspector Gadgets v4.1

  • Released 2017-10-29.
  • [Pro-Only] Improved the scene view movement tool:
    • It now shows some extra lines while you are moving an object to indicate where you are moving it from along with a label specifying the distance moved.
    • Labels also show the current position values on each axis.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies in the way scene gizmos behave when using Freeze Child Transforms or Draw All Gizmos.
  • Added support for the Center pivot mode (enabled via the Pivot/Center toggle in the top left of the Editor) for Freeze Child Transforms and Draw All Gizmos.
  • Context menu functions now use the invariant culture for copying float values to the clipboard to avoid problems with cultures that use commas instead of periods.

Inspector Gadgets v4.0

  • Released 2017-10-06.
  • Middle Click to reset Transform fields is now available in the Lite version and the Reset buttons are now hidden by default.
  • Added lots of useful functions to the context menus of properties shown in the Inspector.
    • Note that these functions all support multi-object selection, but the Lite version disables them while multiple objects are selected.
    • Copy and Paste most property types using an internal clipboard for each individual type. Most of these types also copy and paste using the system clipboard at the same time so you can copy values to and from other programs.
    • Snap objects to the grid, or raycast down to snap them to the ground.
    • Unity Object acquisition: FindObjectOfType, GetComponent, GetComponentInChildren, GetComponentInParent, AddComponent.
    • Unity Object array acquisition: FindObjectsOfType, GetComponents, etc.
    • Create New Instance of any ScriptableObject type.
    • Save any Unity Object as an asset (such as a procedurally generated mesh).
    • Randomize within common ranges: 0-1, 0-100, 0-360 for floats, random Vector2 in a unit circle, random Vector3 on or in a unit sphere, random quaternion, random euler angles for a Vector3.
    • Common vectors: zero, right, up, forward, one.
    • Normalize vector.
    • String to lower or upper case.
    • Log current value.
  • Added a system which automatically hides the UI layer in the scene view. When an object on the UI layer is selected in the hierarchy, the layer is automatically shown and the scene camera focuses on that object. Credit to Astral Byte Ltd for the original idea. It will ask if you want to enable this feature the first time you select a UI object with Inspector Gadgets installed.
  • The settings window is now also accessible as a tab in the Edit/Preferences window.
  • Added [OnEditorQuit] attribute which registers a static parameterless method to be called when the Unity Editor is closed.
  • Shift + Middle Click in a Component Inspector will now ping the script asset.
  • Added an option in the Settings window to show the Script property at the top of the MonoBehaviour Inspector like normal (instead of hiding it to save space).
  • Added AutoPrefs.Vector4 and Quaternion, as well as EditorPrefs versions of all of them.
  • Added HasKey method to all AutoPref types.
  • Added implicit cast from string to all AutoPref types.
  • Added ConstantlyRepaint property to the [Label] attribute so you can ensure that the displayed value is always up to date rather than relying on the Inspector to update naturally.
  • Fixed a bug in the Transform Inspector when editing rotations with multiple objects selected.
  • Fixed a minor bug that would prevent the world scale warning from showing properly on arbitrarily rotated objects.