This is the old Animancer v7.4 documentation. Animancer v8.0 is now available.


Being able to directly control your fade durations, start and end times, speeds, and events in scripts can be very useful, but it is often better to set those details in the Inspector by using transitions which allow you to Preview what they will look like in Edit Mode and can be easily modified by non-programmers without needing to edit and recompile any scripts.

Each of the State types that are included in Animancer has its own Transition Type which contains various details relevant to it so that when it is passed into AnimancerComponent.Play(ITransition) it will create that type of state. For example, a ClipTransition will create a ClipState to play a single AnimationClip:

Example Script Inspector
using Animancer;
using UnityEngine;

public class TransitionExample : MonoBehaviour
    private AnimancerComponent _Animancer;

    private ClipTransition _Animation;

    private void OnEnable()

Each of these Fields is explained below.

The Transitions example demonstrates how to use them in more detail.


The following table describes the fields in a ClipTransition. See the Transition Types page for details about the other types.

Name Code Inspector
Animation Clip

The AnimationClip to play.

This field only exists on ClipTransitions. Other Transition Types have other kinds of fields.

The name displayed here is actually determined by the transition field (_Animation in the example above).

The icon on the right allows you to Preview the transition.
Fade Duration FadeDuration

The amount of time that the transition will take to Cross Fade from the previous animation to the new one. This value can not be negative and setting it to 0 will cause the animation to Play Instantly.

This Time Field is always serialized as seconds, regardless of which field you use to enter the value.
Speed Speed
How fast the animation will play as a multiple of its regular speed. Negative values cause it to play backwards (so you would likely want to set the Start Time to 1x to play it backwards from the end).
Start Time NormalizedStartTime

If enabled, the animation time will immediately jump to this value when played.

Otherwise it will display a default value: 0x for positive speed or 1x for negative speed. If the animation is inactive (AnimancerNode.Weight == 0) when you start the transition its time will start at that default value, but if the animation is active it will instead continue playing from its current time.

This Time Field is always serialized as normalized time, regardless of which field you use to enter the value.
End Time Events.NormalizedEndTime

If enabled, this value determines when the End Event will occur. It does not affect the animation playback in any way other than to trigger that event.

This Time Field is always serialized as normalized time, regardless of which field you use to enter the value.
Events Events

The timeline visualises the transition details:

  • The labels show important times (in seconds, rounded off).
  • The blue highlighted area represents the fading in and out. Note that transitions only define the way they fade in so the displayed fade out is simply a default value. The actual fade out will be determined by the way the next transition fades in.
  • The grey bar down the bottom represents the actual length of the animation in case the End Time is not 1x.
  • The button on the right adds an Animancer Event which will also be shown in this area.

Time Fields

Several of the above fields use Units Attributes to display a single time value using several fields to represent different units of measurement:

Unit Meaning Examples
A multiple of the animation length. 0.5x is halfway through.
1x is at the end.
A number of seconds. 0.5s is half of a second.
1s is one whole second.
Based on the animation's frame rate (not the game's frame rate). 0.5f is half of a frame.
1f is one whole frame.
  • Entering values in these fields works like any other number field. You simply type a number without the suffix.
  • If the field has a toggle, disabling it will set the underlying value to float.NaN which has different effects depending on the field (as explained in the Fields table and in the tooltip).
  • The Fields table also specifies which units the underlying value is actually stored as.
  • The AnimancerSettings asset has options to disable any of the fields you don't want. For example, measuring values in "Frames" can be very useful for Sprite based animations, but is often less useful for bone based animations.


Since the Time Fields only have limited screen space to work with, they often end up being unable to fit the entire value which can lead to confusion. To fix this, these fields will automatically abbreviate their values to fit in the available area and use a ~ symbol to indicate when the displayed value is only an approximation of the actual value. For example, all of the following values would normally look identical to 1.234568 if there wasn't enough room to see the rest of the text:

Number Value Normally displays as Approximation
Very Small 0.00000012345678 1.234568e-07 (note the -07) 0~
Regular Number 1.234568 1.234568 1.2345~
Very Large 12345678 1.234568e+07 (note the +07) 1.23e+7

This feature can be disabled in the AnimancerSettings.

Default Values

Middle Clicking on any of the Time Fields will set it to its default value. Or if it was already at that value, doing so will set it to its secondary default value:

Field Primary Default Secondary Default
Fade Duration 0.25s 0s
Speed 1x -1x
Start Time Auto (0x for positive Speed or 1x for negative Speed)
End Time Auto (1x for positive Speed or 0x for negative Speed)