This is the old Animancer v7.4 documentation. Animancer v8.0 is now available.

Component Types

The AnimancerComponent is the main entry point for controlling animations with Animancer. It also has several sub-classes with additional functionality:

AnimancerComponent: the base class with all the core functionality.

Examples: Quick Play (and most others)

The base component which wraps the core functionality of Animancer.

The Animator field references the Animator component that Animancer will control.

The Action On Disable field determines which DisableAction will be used when the object is disabled.

NamedAnimancerComponent: registers animations by name so that you can use TryPlay("Animation Name").

Examples: Named Animations

Inherits from AnimancerComponent.

Overrides the GetKey method to use the animation name so that you can use TryPlay("Animation Name"). See the Keys section for more information.

The Animations array allows you to pre-register AnimationClips (so you can TryPlay them by name like in Unity's Legacy Animation component).

The Play Automatically toggle determines if you want it to play the first animation in the list on startup.

HybridAnimancerComponent: allows for a Hybrid combination of an Animator Controller and Animancer.

Examples: Hybrid Basics and Hybrid Character

Inherits from NamedAnimancerComponent.

The Controller field allows for a Hybrid combination of an Animator Controller and Animancer.

Pro-Only: Animancer Lite allows you to try out this feature in the Unity Editor, but it will not be available in runtime builds unless you purchase Animancer Pro. See the Feature Comparison for more information.

SoloAnimation: plays one animation.

Examples: Solo Animation

Plays one animation which can be assigned in the Inspector without the performance overhead of the rest of Animancer.

That's all it does. It doesn't support Fading or Layers or Animancer Events or any of the other features of Animancer. It is not even really part of Animancer, it is just a self-contained script designed to play that one animation and nothing else. If you want to do anything more than that you are likely better off using a proper AnimancerComponent.

Adding Components

When using the Add Component menu in the Unity Editor, all of Animancer's components are located in the Animancer sub-menu.

Source Code

The scripts containing these components are located in the Assets/Plugins/Animancer folder and they are even included in Animancer Lite, so you can modify or Inherit from them to implement your own variations. For example, you could:

  • Inherit from AnimancerComponent and add a SpriteRenderer or SkinnedMeshRenderer field so you can reference it alongside the animations.
  • Make a CharacterAnimationSet class which inherits from ScriptableObject to define a set of animations for each character and then make a CharacterAnimancer class which inherits from AnimancerComponent to allow a character to reference one of those animation sets in the same place as the rest of the animation functionality.
  • Inherit from NamedAnimancerComponent and add an array of strings so that you can specify a custom name for each animation rather than always using the exact
  • Inherit from AnimancerComponent and add some AnimationEventReceivers to listen for certain Animation Events.