MixerTransition2DDrawer Class


[Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a Animancer.MixerTransition`2.
graph BT Type-->Base0["MixerTransitionDrawer"] click Base0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer.Editor/MixerTransitionDrawer" Base0-->Base1["ManualMixerTransitionDrawer"] click Base1 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer.Editor/ManualMixerTransitionDrawer" Base1-->Base2["TransitionDrawer"] click Base2 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer.Editor/TransitionDrawer" Base2-->Base3["PropertyDrawer"] Type-.->Interface0["IPolymorphic"] click Interface0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IPolymorphic" Type["MixerTransition2DDrawer"] class Type type-node


[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(MixerTransition2D), true)]
public class MixerTransition2DDrawer : MixerTransitionDrawer, IPolymorphic


Documentation: Transitions and Mixers


Type Description


Name Summary
MixerTransition2DDrawer() Creates a new Animancer.Editor.MixerTransition2DDrawer using a wider `thresholdWidth` than usual to accomodate both the X and Y values.


Name Constant Value Summary
If set, the field with this name will be drawn on the header line with the foldout arrow instead of in its regular place.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
"." + Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.MainPropertyName (to avoid creating garbage repeatedly).
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
NormalizedStartTimeFieldName _NormalizedStartTime
The name of the backing field of ClipTransition.NormalizedStartTime.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
Should two lines be used to draw each child?


Name Value Summary
Context TransitionDrawer.DrawerContext
The current Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.DrawerContext.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
CurrentAnimations SerializedProperty
The Animancer.ManualMixerTransition`1.Animations field.
CurrentProperty SerializedProperty
The property currently being drawn.
CurrentSpeeds SerializedProperty
The Animancer.ManualMixerTransition`1.Speeds field.
CurrentSynchronizeChildren SerializedProperty
The Animancer.ManualMixerTransition`1.SynchronizeChildren field.
CurrentThresholds SerializedProperty
The serialized Animancer.MixerTransition`2.Thresholds of the ManualMixerTransition.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentProperty.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
PreviewButtonStyle GUIStyle
The style used for the button that opens the Animancer.Editor.Previews.TransitionPreviewWindow.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
StandardThresholdWidth float
The number of horizontal pixels the word "Threshold" occupies when drawn with the UnityEditor.EditorStyles.popup style.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer


Name Value Summary
AddPropertyModifierFunction(GenericMenu, string, Action<SerializedProperty>) void
Adds a menu item that will call Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.GatherSubProperties(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty) then run the specified `function`.
AddPropertyModifierFunction(GenericMenu, string, MenuFunctionState, Action<SerializedProperty>) void
Adds a menu item that will call Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.GatherSubProperties(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty) then run the specified `function`.
AddThresholdFunctionsToMenu(GenericMenu) void
Adds functions to the `menu` relating to the thresholds.
CanCacheInspectorGUI(SerializedProperty) bool
Can't cache because it breaks the Animancer.Editor.TimelineGUI.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoAnimationField(Rect, SerializedProperty) void
Draws an UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean) that accepts UnityEngine.AnimationClips and Animancer.ITransitions
DoAnimationHeaderGUI(Rect) void
Draws an "Animation" header.
DoChildListFooterGUI(Rect) void
Draws the footer of the child list.
DoChildListHeaderGUI(Rect) void
Draws the headdings of the child list.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
DoChildPropertyGUI(Rect, SerializedProperty, SerializedProperty, GUIContent) void
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
DoElementGUI(Rect, int, SerializedProperty, SerializedProperty) void
Draws the GUI of the animation at the specified `index`.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
DoHeaderDropdownGUI(Rect, SerializedProperty, GUIContent, Action<GenericMenu>) void
Draws the GUI for a header dropdown button.
DoHeaderGUI(Rect, SerializedProperty, SerializedProperty, GUIContent, bool) void
Draws the root property of a transition with an optional main property on the same line.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoMainPropertyGUI(Rect, Rect, SerializedProperty, SerializedProperty) void
Draws the GUI the the target transition's main property.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoPreviewButtonGUI(Rect, bool, string) bool
Draws a small button using the Animancer.Editor.Previews.TransitionPreviewWindow.Icon.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoSpeedFieldGUI(Rect, SerializedProperty, int) void
Draws a toggle to enable or disable Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren for the child at the specified `index`.
DoSpeedHeaderGUI(Rect) void
Draws a "Speed" header.
DoSyncHeaderGUI(Rect) void
Draws a "Sync" header.
DoSyncToggleGUI(Rect, int) void
Draws a toggle to enable or disable Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren for the child at the specified `index`.
DoThresholdGUI(Rect, int) void
Draws the GUI of the threshold at the specified `index`.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
GatherDetails(SerializedProperty) ReorderableList
Gather the details of the `property`.
GatherSubProperties(SerializedProperty) void
Called every time a `property` is drawn to find the relevant child properties and store them to be used in Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent) and Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.OnGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent).
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
GetElementHeight(int) float
Calculates the height of the state at the specified `index`.
GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty, GUIContent) float
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
InitializeMode(SerializedProperty) void
If the Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer._Mode is Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.Mode.Uninitialized, this method determines how it should start based on the number of properties in the `serializedObject`. If the only serialized field is an Animancer.ITransition then it should start expanded.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
InitializeSpeeds(int) void
Initializes every element in the Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentSpeeds array from the `start` to the end of the array to contain a value of 1.
IsClipOrTransition(Object) bool
Is the `clipOrTransition` an UnityEngine.AnimationClip or Animancer.ITransition?
OnAddElement(int) void
Called when adding a new state to the list to ensure that any other relevant arrays have new elements added as well.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
OnGUI(Rect, SerializedProperty, GUIContent) void
Draws the root `property` GUI and calls Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.DoChildPropertyGUI(UnityEngine.Rect@,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent) for each of its children.
OnRemoveElement(ReorderableList) void
Called when removing a state from the list to ensure that any other relevant arrays have elements removed as well.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
OnReorderList(ReorderableList, int, int) void
Called when reordering states in the list to ensure that any other relevant arrays have their corresponding elements reordered as well.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
ResizeList(int) void
Sets the number of items in the child list.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
SplitListRect(Rect, bool, Rect, Rect, Rect) void
Splits the specified `area` into separate sections.
SplitListRect(Rect, bool, Rect, Rect, Rect, Rect) void
Splits the specified `area` into separate sections.
Inherited from MixerTransitionDrawer
TryCollapseArrays() void
Calls Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.TryCollapseSpeeds and Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.TryCollapseSync.
TryCollapseSpeeds() void
If every element in the Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentSpeeds array is 1, this method sets the array size to 0.
TryCollapseSync() void
Removes any true elements from the end of the Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentSynchronizeChildren array.
TryDoStartTimeField(Rect, SerializedProperty, SerializedProperty, GUIContent) bool
If the `property` is a "Start Time" field, this method draws it as well as the "End Time" below it and returns true.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer