[Editor-Only] Draws the Inspector GUI for a
.- Assembly
- Animancer
.dll - Namespace
- Animancer
.Editor - Interfaces
- Base Types
- PropertyDrawer
- TransitionDrawer
- Manual
Mixer Transition Drawer - Mixer
Transition Drawer
graph BT
click Base0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer.Editor/MixerTransitionDrawer"
click Base1 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer.Editor/ManualMixerTransitionDrawer"
click Base2 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer.Editor/TransitionDrawer"
click Interface0 "/animancer-v7-4/api/Animancer/IPolymorphic"
class Type type-node
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(LinearMixerTransition), true)]
public class LinearMixerTransitionDrawer : MixerTransitionDrawer, IPolymorphic
Documentation: Transitions
and Mixers
Type | Description |
CustomPropertyDrawer |
Name | Constant Value | Summary |
MainPropertyName |
If set, the field with this name will be drawn on the header line with the foldout arrow instead of in its
regular place.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
Main |
"." +
Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.MainPropertyName (to avoid creating garbage repeatedly).Inherited from TransitionDrawer
Normalized |
_NormalizedStartTime |
The name of the backing field of
ClipTransition.NormalizedStartTime .Inherited from TransitionDrawer
TwoLineMode |
Should two lines be used to draw each child?
Inherited from Manual
Name | Value | Summary |
Context | TransitionDrawer |
The current
Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.DrawerContext .Inherited from TransitionDrawer
CurrentAnimations | SerializedProperty |
Animancer.ManualMixerTransition`1.Animations field.Inherited from Manual
CurrentProperty | SerializedProperty |
The property currently being drawn.
Inherited from Manual
CurrentSpeeds | SerializedProperty |
Animancer.ManualMixerTransition`1.Speeds field.Inherited from Manual
Current |
SerializedProperty |
Animancer.ManualMixerTransition`1.SynchronizeChildren field.Inherited from Manual
CurrentThresholds | SerializedProperty |
The serialized
Animancer.MixerTransition`2.Thresholds of the
ManualMixerTransition.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentProperty .
Inherited from Mixer
PreviewButtonStyle | GUIStyle |
The style used for the button that opens the
Animancer.Editor.Previews.TransitionPreviewWindow .Inherited from TransitionDrawer
Standard |
float |
The number of horizontal pixels the word "Threshold" occupies when drawn with the
UnityEditor.EditorStyles.popup style.
Inherited from Mixer
Name | Value | Summary |
Add |
void |
Adds a menu item that will call
Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.GatherSubProperties(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty) then run the specified
Inherited from Manual
Add |
void |
Adds a menu item that will call
Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.GatherSubProperties(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty) then run the specified
Inherited from Manual
Add |
void |
Adds functions to the `menu` relating to the thresholds.
CanCacheInspectorGUI |
bool |
Can't cache because it breaks the
Animancer.Editor.TimelineGUI .Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoAnimationField |
void |
Draws an
UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean) that accepts
UnityEngine.AnimationClip s and Animancer.ITransition s
Inherited from Manual
DoAnimationHeaderGUI |
void |
Draws an "Animation" header.
Inherited from Manual
DoChildListFooterGUI |
void |
Draws the footer of the child list.
Inherited from Manual
DoChildListHeaderGUI |
void |
Draws the headdings of the child list.
Inherited from Mixer
DoChildPropertyGUI |
void |
Inherited from Mixer
DoElementGUI |
void |
Draws the GUI of the animation at the specified `index`.
Inherited from Mixer
DoHeaderDropdownGUI |
void |
Draws the GUI for a header dropdown button.
Inherited from Manual
DoHeaderGUI |
void |
Draws the root property of a transition with an optional main property on the same line.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoMainPropertyGUI |
void |
Draws the GUI the the target transition's main property.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoPreviewButtonGUI |
bool |
Draws a small button using the
Animancer.Editor.Previews.TransitionPreviewWindow.Icon .Inherited from TransitionDrawer
DoSpeedFieldGUI |
void |
Draws a toggle to enable or disable
Animancer.ManualMixerState.SynchronizedChildren for the child
at the specified `index`.
Inherited from Manual
DoSpeedHeaderGUI |
void |
Draws a "Speed" header.
Inherited from Manual
DoSyncHeaderGUI |
void |
Draws a "Sync" header.
Inherited from Manual
DoSyncToggleGUI |
void |
Draws a toggle to enable or disable
for the child at the specified `index`.
Inherited from Manual
DoThresholdGUI |
void |
Draws the GUI of the threshold at the specified `index`.
GatherDetails |
ReorderableList |
Gather the details of the `property`.
Inherited from Manual
GatherSubProperties |
void |
Called every time a `property` is drawn to find the relevant child properties and store them to be
used in
Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent) and Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.OnGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent) .
Inherited from Mixer
GetElementHeight |
float |
Calculates the height of the state at the specified `index`.
Inherited from Manual
GetPropertyHeight |
float |
Inherited from Mixer
InitializeMode |
void |
If the
Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer._Mode is Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.Mode.Uninitialized , this method determines how it should start
based on the number of properties in the `serializedObject`. If the only serialized field is an
Animancer.ITransition then it should start expanded.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer
InitializeSpeeds |
void |
Initializes every element in the
Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentSpeeds array
from the `start` to the end of the array to contain a value of 1.
Inherited from Manual
IsClipOrTransition |
bool |
Is the `clipOrTransition` an
UnityEngine.AnimationClip or Animancer.ITransition ?Inherited from Manual
OnAddElement |
void |
Called when adding a new state to the list to ensure that
any other relevant arrays have new elements added as well.
Inherited from Mixer
void |
Draws the root `property` GUI and calls
Animancer.Editor.TransitionDrawer.DoChildPropertyGUI(UnityEngine.Rect@,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent) for each of its children.Inherited from Manual
OnRemoveElement |
void |
Called when removing a state from the list to ensure that
any other relevant arrays have elements removed as well.
Inherited from Mixer
OnReorderList |
void |
Called when reordering states in the list to ensure that
any other relevant arrays have their corresponding elements reordered as well.
Inherited from Mixer
ResizeList |
void |
Sets the number of items in the child list.
Inherited from Mixer
SplitListRect |
void |
Splits the specified `area` into separate sections.
Inherited from Manual
SplitListRect |
void |
Splits the specified `area` into separate sections.
Inherited from Mixer
TryCollapseArrays |
void |
Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.TryCollapseSpeeds and Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.TryCollapseSync .
Inherited from Manual
TryCollapseSpeeds |
void |
If every element in the
Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentSpeeds array is 1,
this method sets the array size to 0.
Inherited from Manual
TryCollapseSync |
void |
Removes any true elements from the end of the
Animancer.Editor.ManualMixerTransitionDrawer.CurrentSynchronizeChildren array.
Inherited from Manual
TryDoStartTimeField |
bool |
If the `property` is a "Start Time" field, this method draws it as well as the "End Time" below it and
returns true.
Inherited from TransitionDrawer