
This page describes the actual behaviour of each enemy type.


A weak monster which patrols back and forth between walls, walks off ledges, and is hostile everyone since it's on a different Team.


A flying monster which patrols back and forth between walls and uses SetMovementSine to bob up and down as it goes.

Maw Flower

A plant monster which can't move and attacks periodically to either side. Unlike the other enemies, this one uses a Sequence as its root On Fixed Update node so that when it is in its Idle State it will wait a short time (2 loops of its Idle animation) then TrySetState to attack in whichever direction it's facing and TurnAround so that the next attack will be in the other direction.


A large snake monster which patrols back and forth on its platform. Its On Awake node is a Sequence to both SetMovementForward and register a FaceAttacker callback.


A humanoid monster which patrols back and forth on its platform.