FlexiMotion.Jobs Namespace

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IJobSource An object which can schedule a job with a given `deltaTime` value.

Class Types

Class Summary
JobScheduller A component which schedules jobs.
JobSchedullerFixedUpdate A FlexiMotion.Jobs.JobScheduller which runs its jobs in FlexiMotion.Jobs.JobSchedullerFixedUpdate.FixedUpdate using UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime.
JobSchedullerLateUpdate A FlexiMotion.Jobs.JobScheduller which runs its jobs in FlexiMotion.Jobs.JobSchedullerLateUpdate.LateUpdate using UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime.
JobSchedullerLateUpdateUnscaled A FlexiMotion.Jobs.JobScheduller which runs its jobs in FlexiMotion.Jobs.JobSchedullerLateUpdateUnscaled.LateUpdate using UnityEngine.Time.unscaledDeltaTime.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
ApplyRotationsJob A job which sets UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccess.localRotation.
ApplyTailPositionsJob A job which uses tail details to set UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccess.rotation.
ExtractRotationsJob A job which gets world rotations out of a UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccess.
Float3OffsetJob A job which adds an FlexiMotion.Jobs.Float3OffsetJob.offset to FlexiMotion.Jobs.Float3OffsetJob.values.
LocalToWorldPositionsJob A job which converts local positions to world positions.
OnIndexRemovedJob A job which adjusts UnityEngine.BoneWeight1.boneIndex as appropriate for a removed bone.
RecenterSpringsJob A job which resets transforms and tail positions to their starting values without affecting their velocity.
ResetSpringsJob A job which resets transforms and tail positions to their starting values.
ScaleValues1Job A job which scales values by the largest axis of object's scales.
ScaleValues2Job A job which scales values by the largest axis of object's scales.
SphereCollidersJob A job which pushes transforms out of sphere colliders.
SpringSimulationJob A job which simulates the behaviour of springs.
TransformPositionsJob A job which multiplies positions by a matrix.