PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States Namespace


Scripts that execute character actions.

Class Types

Class Summary
AdvancedAttackState An PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.AttackState that can perform various different attack combos.
AirJumpState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.HoldJumpState which allows the character to jump a limited number of times in the air.
AttackState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays an attack animation then returns to idle.
BasicActionState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays an animation then returns to idle.
CharacterState Base class for the various states a Platformer.Character can be in and actions they can perform.
FlinchState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays a PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.FlinchState.FlinchAnimation when the PlatformerGameKit.Health.CurrentHealth changes and a PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.FlinchState.DieAnimation when it reaches 0.
HoldJumpState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.JumpState which allows you to hold the button down to jump higher.
IdleState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays an idle animation.
IntroductionState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays a UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset (such as a UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset) then returns to idle.
JumpState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays a jump animation and applies some upwards force.
LandState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays a landing animation.
LocomotionState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that plays an idle animation.
MobileIdleState An PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.IdleState that can move.
MultiState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState which redirects to other states.
SideAttackState An PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.AttackState with separate animations for left and right.
WallJumpState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.HoldJumpState which allows the character to jump off walls.
WallSlideState A PlatformerGameKit.Characters.States.CharacterState that slows the falling speed by grabbing a wall.