ITransformTreeViewSource Interface


An object that provides data to a FlexiMotion.Editor.TransformTreeView.
graph BT Type["ITransformTreeViewSource"] class Type type-node Implementing0["SpringDefinitionsWindow"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/flexi-motion/api/FlexiMotion.Editor/SpringDefinitionsWindow" Implementing1["SphereColliderDefinitionsWindow"]-.->Type click Implementing1 "/flexi-motion/api/FlexiMotion.Editor/SphereColliderDefinitionsWindow" Implementing2["TransformTreeWindow<TTarget, TDefinition>"]-.->Type click Implementing2 "/flexi-motion/api/FlexiMotion.Editor/TransformTreeWindow_2"


public interface ITransformTreeViewSource


Name Value Summary
Root Transform
The object at the top of the target hierarchy.
Transforms IList<Transform>
The objects to show in the view.


Name Value Summary
AddItem(int, TreeViewItem, Transform) TreeViewItem
Adds an item for the `transform` to be displayed in the view.
AddItems(int, TreeViewItem) void
Adds the items to be displayed in the view.
BeforeRowGUI(Rect, TreeViewItem) void
Called before a row is drawn.
DrawCellGUI(Rect, int, int, TreeViewItem, bool) void
Draws a cell in the UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.TreeView.

Extension Methods

Name Value Summary
LogTemp<ITransformTreeViewSource>(Object) T
Debug.Log(message, context) with an [System.ObsoleteAttribute] warning so you remember to remove any calls.
SafeGetHashCode<ITransformTreeViewSource>() int
Uses System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer`1.Default to get a hash code.