UltEvents.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
ArrayCache<T> Stores arrays of various sizes so they can be reused without garbage collection.
BenchmarkTestMethods Dummy methods for performance testing events.
BoolPref [Editor-Only] A simple wrapper around UnityEditor.EditorPrefs to get and set a bool.

If you are interested in a more comprehensive pref wrapper that supports more types, you should check out Inspector Gadgets.
Clipboard [Editor-Only] Manages the copying and pasting of events and persistent calls.
CollectionPropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A UltEvents.Editor.PropertyAccessor for a specific element index in a collection.
CollisionEvent2D An event that takes a single UnityEngine.Collision2D parameter.
CollisionEvent3D An event that takes a single UnityEngine.Collision parameter.
CollisionEvents2D Holds UltEvents.UltEvents which are called by various UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour 2D collision events: UltEvents.CollisionEvents2D.OnCollisionEnter2D(UnityEngine.Collision2D), UltEvents.CollisionEvents2D.OnCollisionStay2D(UnityEngine.Collision2D), and UltEvents.CollisionEvents2D.OnCollisionExit2D(UnityEngine.Collision2D).
CollisionEvents3D Holds UltEvents.UltEvents which are called by various UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour collision events: UltEvents.CollisionEvents3D.OnCollisionEnter(UnityEngine.Collision), UltEvents.CollisionEvents3D.OnCollisionStay(UnityEngine.Collision), and UltEvents.CollisionEvents3D.OnCollisionExit(UnityEngine.Collision).
DelayedUltEventHolder A component which encapsulates a single UltEvents.UltEventBase with a delay before its invocation.
EnableBenchmark A simple performance test which calls UltEvents.Benchmarks.EnableBenchmark.Test a specified number of times in UltEvents.Benchmarks.EnableBenchmark.OnEnable and logs the amount of time it takes.
EnableBenchmarkUltEvent An UltEvents.Benchmarks.EnableBenchmark which invokes an UltEvents.UltEvent.
EnableBenchmarkUnityEvent An UltEvents.Benchmarks.EnableBenchmark which invokes a UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.
GenericDropdown [Editor-Only] An UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.AdvancedDropdown with generic callback delegates.
LifeCycleEvents Holds UltEvents.UltEvents which are called by various UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour lifecycle events: UltEvents.LifeCycleEvents.Awake, UltEvents.LifeCycleEvents.Start, UltEvents.LifeCycleEvents.OnEnable, UltEvents.LifeCycleEvents.OnDisable, and UltEvents.LifeCycleEvents.OnDestroy.
Operators Utility methods for UltEvents to call which execute primitive type operators which aren't normally callable because they're handled directly by IL Opcodes rather than actual methods.
PersistentArgument Encapsulates a variable so it can be serialized for UltEvents.UltEventBase.
PersistentCall Encapsulates a delegate so it can be serialized for UltEvents.UltEventBase.
PropertyAccessor [Editor-Only] A wrapper for accessing the underlying values and fields of a UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.
ReflectionCache Caches types loaded via reflection for better performance on subsequent lookups.
ResourceInstantiateBenchmark A simple performance test that loads and instantiates a prefab to test how long it takes.
Serialization [Editor-Only] Various serialization utilities.
TriggerEvent2D An event that takes a single UnityEngine.Collider2D parameter.
TriggerEvent3D An event that takes a single UnityEngine.Collider parameter.
TriggerEvents2D Holds UltEvents.UltEvents which are called by various UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour 2D trigger events: UltEvents.TriggerEvents2D.OnTriggerEnter2D(UnityEngine.Collider2D), UltEvents.TriggerEvents2D.OnTriggerStay2D(UnityEngine.Collider2D), and UltEvents.TriggerEvents2D.OnTriggerExit2D(UnityEngine.Collider2D).
TriggerEvents3D Holds UltEvents.UltEvents which are called by various UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour trigger events: UltEvents.TriggerEvents3D.OnTriggerEnter(UnityEngine.Collider), UltEvents.TriggerEvents3D.OnTriggerStay(UnityEngine.Collider), and UltEvents.TriggerEvents3D.OnTriggerExit(UnityEngine.Collider).
UltEvent A serializable event with no parameters which can be viewed and configured in the inspector.
UltEvent<T0, T1, T2, T3> A serializable event with 4 parameters which can be viewed and configured in the inspector.
UltEvent<T0, T1, T2> A serializable event with 3 parameters which can be viewed and configured in the inspector.
UltEvent<T0, T1> A serializable event with 2 parameters which can be viewed and configured in the inspector.
UltEvent<T0> A serializable event with 1 parameter which can be viewed and configured in the inspector.
UltEventBase A serializable event which can be viewed and configured in the inspector.
UltEventHolder A component which encapsulates a single UltEvents.UltEvent.
UltEventUtils Various utility methods used by UltEvents.
UpdateEvents Holds UltEvents.UltEvents which are called by various UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour update events: UltEvents.UpdateEvents.Update, UltEvents.UpdateEvents.LateUpdate, and UltEvents.UpdateEvents.FixedUpdate.

Delegate Types

Delegate Summary
PersistentArgument.TryGetLinkableDelegate [Editor-Only] A delegate type for UltEvents.PersistentArgument.TryGetLinkable.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
MenuFunctionState [Editor-Only] The possible states for a function in a UnityEditor.GenericMenu.
PersistentArgumentType The type identifier of a UltEvents.PersistentArgument.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IUltEvent Allows you to expose the add and remove methods of an UltEvents.UltEvent without exposing the rest of its members such as the ability to invoke it.
IUltEvent<T0, T1, T2, T3> Allows you to expose the add and remove methods of an UltEvents.UltEvent`4 without exposing the rest of its members such as the ability to invoke it.
IUltEvent<T0, T1, T2> Allows you to expose the add and remove methods of an UltEvents.UltEvent`3 without exposing the rest of its members such as the ability to invoke it.
IUltEvent<T0, T1> Allows you to expose the add and remove methods of an UltEvents.UltEvent`2 without exposing the rest of its members such as the ability to invoke it.
IUltEvent<T0> Allows you to expose the add and remove methods of an UltEvents.UltEvent`1 without exposing the rest of its members such as the ability to invoke it.
IUltEventBase Allows you to expose the add and remove methods of an UltEvents.UltEvent without exposing the rest of its members such as the ability to invoke it.

Struct Types

Struct Summary
SimpleTimer A very simple timer system based on a System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.