UltEvent Class


A serializable event with no parameters which can be viewed and configured in the inspector.
Base Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["UltEventBase"] click Base0 "/ultevents/api/UltEvents/UltEventBase" Base0-->Base1["Object"] Type-.->Interface0["IUltEvent"] click Interface0 "/ultevents/api/UltEvents/IUltEvent" Type-.->Interface1["IUltEventBase"] click Interface1 "/ultevents/api/UltEvents/IUltEventBase" Type["UltEvent"] class Type type-node


public class UltEvent : UltEventBase, IUltEvent, IUltEventBase


This is a more versatile and user friendly implementation than UnityEvent.


Type Description


Name Type Summary
DynamicCalls Action
Delegates registered here are invoked by UltEvents.UltEvent.Invoke after all UltEvents.UltEvent.PersistentCalls.
PersistentCalls Action
Delegates registered to this event are serialized as UltEvents.PersistentCalls and are invoked by UltEvents.UltEvent.Invoke before all UltEvents.UltEvent.DynamicCalls.


Name Value Summary
DynamicCallsBase Delegate
The non-serialized method and parameter details of this event. Delegates registered here are called by UltEvents.UltEvent.Invoke after all UltEvents.UltEvent.PersistentCalls.
HasCalls bool
Returns true if this event has any UltEvents.UltEventBase.PersistentCallsList or UltEvents.UltEventBase.DynamicCallsBase registered.
Inherited from UltEventBase
ParameterCount int
The number of parameters this event takes.
ParameterTypes Type[]
[Editor-Only] The types of each of this event's parameters.
PersistentCallsList List<PersistentCall>
The serialized method and parameter details of this event.
Inherited from UltEventBase


Name Value Summary
AddDynamicCall(UltEvent, Action) void
Ensures that `ultEvent` isn't null and adds `method` to its UltEvents.UltEvent.DynamicCalls.
AddPersistentCall(Delegate) PersistentCall
Adds the specified `method` to the persistent call list.
Inherited from UltEventBase
AddPersistentCall<T>(T, Action) PersistentCall
Ensures that `ultEvent` isn't null and adds `method` to its UltEvents.UltEventBase.PersistentCallsList.
Inherited from UltEventBase
AddPersistentCall<T>(T, Delegate) PersistentCall
Ensures that `ultEvent` isn't null and adds `method` to its UltEvents.UltEventBase.PersistentCallsList.
Inherited from UltEventBase
CacheParameter(Object) void
Stores the `parameter` so it can be accessed by UltEvents.PersistentCalls.
Inherited from UltEventBase
CacheParameters(Object[]) void
Stores the `parameters` so they can be accessed by UltEvents.PersistentCalls.
Inherited from UltEventBase
Clear() void
Clears all UltEvents.UltEventBase.PersistentCallsList and UltEvents.UltEventBase.DynamicCallsBase registered to this event.
Inherited from UltEventBase
CopyFrom(UltEventBase) void
Copies the contents of this the `target` event to this event.
Inherited from UltEventBase
DynamicInvoke(Object[]) void
Invokes all PersistentCalls then all DynamicCalls.
Inherited from UltEventBase
Invoke() void
Invokes all UltEvents.UltEvent.PersistentCalls then all UltEvents.IUltEvent.DynamicCalls.
InvokePersistentCalls() void
Invokes all UltEvents.PersistentCalls registered to this event.
Inherited from UltEventBase
InvokeSafe() void
Invokes all UltEvents.UltEvent.PersistentCalls then all UltEvents.UltEvent.DynamicCalls inside a try/catch block which logs any exceptions that are thrown.
OnDynamicCallsChanged() void
Clears the cached invocation list of UltEvents.UltEventBase.DynamicCallsBase.
Inherited from UltEventBase
RemoveDynamicCall(UltEvent, Action) void
If `ultEvent` isn't null, this method removes `method` from its UltEvents.UltEvent.DynamicCalls.
RemovePersistentCall(Delegate) void
Removes the specified `method` from the persistent call list.
Inherited from UltEventBase
RemovePersistentCall(UltEventBase, Action) void
If `ultEvent` isn't null, this method removes `method` from its UltEvents.UltEventBase.PersistentCallsList.
Inherited from UltEventBase
RemovePersistentCall(UltEventBase, Delegate) void
If `ultEvent` isn't null, this method removes `method` from its UltEvents.UltEventBase.PersistentCallsList.
Inherited from UltEventBase
ToString() string
Returns a description of this event.
Inherited from UltEventBase
ToString(StringBuilder) void
Appends a description of this event.
Inherited from UltEventBase


Name Value Summary
implicit operator UltEvent(Action) UltEvent
operator -(UltEvent, Action) UltEvent
operator +(UltEvent, Action) UltEvent